Aftermath of the Trial, the Infiltration, and the USJ

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry...for not...posting for a while! I've just been trying to figure out how to continue the book and starting my other book. It's called Entering the Dekuverse! I hope you enjoy that book and this book as well!

Third Person POV


That's how everyone was like when they all got back to All Might. They have been like that for 15 minutes.

"So..." says All Might, breaking the silence.

"Umm, yeah, I don't know what they are so flabbergasted about," says Izuku nonchalantly.

"Bro! You just took down our whole class, of course, we would be surprised!" says Kaminari.

"That was like a warm-up, so I don't know what you're talking about," says Izuku.

"Why don't we just end the class here and say that you all learned a good lesson today," says All Might nervously.

"You learned that you should never underestimate your opponent even when you're pitted against the weirdest ones," says Izuku wisely.

"Yeah, I agree with that," says Momo.

Time Skip to the Next Day

"You all have to choose your class representative for Heroics Class today," says Mr. Aizawa.

"I will be helping you with it!" says Izuku excitedly.


"I want to be it!"

"If I'm chosen, I will change a lot of rules like no homework!"

"I will make cats allowed in school."


"Who said that?" asks Kirishima.

"It's honestly not a bad idea," says Hagakure.

"Why don't we vote!" says Izuku with his ever-shining, flashy, bright smile.

Time Skip

In the end, Iida was chosen for vice representative and Momo was chosen as main representative. They all were dismissed shortly after that. They then went to lunch.

"So, Midoriya seems like a good teacher!" exclaims Uraraka.

"He is indeed," states Iida.

"Hey Bakubro, you seemed to know him on the first day," says Kirishima.

"Yeah, so what?" says Bakugo.

"You might know something about him, that's all."

"He's quirkless, a nerd, and a loser. That's all he is and nothing more to it."

"He must be smart though to be Nezu's personal student. I don't think that is deemed useless," states Mina.

"Whatever," says Bakugo.


"What is that!" yells Hagakure.

"I have never seen that in my three years at UA," says a 3rd year student.

"Come on, we need to evacuate!" yells Iida.

Everyone calms down after the whole thing and finding out through looking through the windows that it was just the press here for All Might.

Time Skip to the Front Gate of UA

"So, what do you all think happened over here?" asks Principal Nezu.

Izuku who was walking to the gate at the time says, "It is definitely a decay of some sort and most likely a quirk."

"That seems to be what I am thinking as well. We will have to check if anything was picked up on the cameras, but in the meantime are any of your classes scheduled to be off campus, anyone?" asks Nezu.

"My class will be going off of campus to the USJ, but that is it. We will be having Izuku and All Might accompanying us," says Aizawa.

"All right. Izuku make sure to have your communicator and wrist alert at hand. It will send a direct signal to us if needed."

"Will do!" says Izuku.

"Alright, back to your classes for now."

Time Skip

"We will be going to an off campus training site in a bit. You all can wear your costumes, but you can also wear your PE wear if you are not completely comfortable with what you are wearing for your costume," says Aizawa.

They all change and get on the bus. They all start talking loudly with Aizawa pretending to be asleep and Izuku just staring out of the window. That gets interrupted though by a question.

"Midoriya- ribbit," says Tsu.

"Yes Tsu?"

"What exactly is your quirk?"

"Oh yeah! I have been wondering that as well!" exclaims Mina.

"Oh...well my quirk is...well, I don't have one," says Izuku halfheartedly.


"Oh-ribbit-I'm sorry I asked," says Tsu.

"It's alright! I knew it was coming anyway!" says Izuku.

Guess everyone found out about your uselessness nerd, thinks Bakugo.

"We are here," says Mr. Aizawa.

They all unload and head to the front of the building. There, they met the Space Hero: Thirteen!

"OH MY GOD! You're my idol!" exclaims Uraraka.

"Why thank you!" they say.

"Welcome to the USJ everyone! Thirteen here will be supervising your training along with us today!" exclaims Izuku.

Thirteen then goes on about a long speech of dangerous quirks and everyone basically stares holes into Bakugo while doing that, but then as they are entering the building, Kirishima states something that chills the teacher's nerves.

"Hey look everyone! They have actual fake villains as well!"

"Those aren't fake villains! Stay back everyone! Deku, Thirteen and me will fight them, you all stay here! Deku, send the transmission!" states Aizawa.

A/N: HAHAHAHA! I have left you all at a cliffhanger! I will most likely update again in two days, though you should count on it! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will enjoy my new Entering the Dekuverse chapter I will be uploading in an hour or two! Gummi, out!

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