Twenty-Four: OMFG ITS A CLOWN... AGAIN....

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Hisoka P.O.V.

She's the first person to ever get me on my knees in such a way,and her mouth... Her beautiful, full, pouty, vulgar mouth always riled me up. This beautiful girl who's name I oddly couldn't remember had me wrapped around her finger and I hated but adored the complication of it all. She was the only one that could get me like this, and it made me want to know here deeper than I already do. I've known here since I was thirteen, and the emotions I have for her ran deeper than any of my previous emotions have.

I didn't think I'd see her here at the Hunter Exam, or ever again actually. She was doing such a good job hiding from me all these years. Even going back to the place I knew I'd find her, still she never appeared. It was like the little kitten was purposefully avoiding me, maybe to spare my feelings after I confessed to her more than once that I was crazy in love with her. I've never been in love with anyone, my attatments ro people come and go and they change by the day for different reasons. I guess you could say that the feelings I have for her are just as strong as the ones that I have for Illumi dear.

He Was the second person i ever developed such feelings for which i also found odd. I have no complaint to what gender my partners are, but to fall in love wqs somthing i swore never to feel. I swore to bever feel aything l, so such emotions after theloose of my sister Hakari. She was the other half ofmw no gone, but it seemed now that fate cha ged, my other halves were the two of them... especally my explosive kitten.

Many things about her surprised me and put me on edge, especially the fact that she knew what my name was and that I couldn't remember hers at all. Now that I think about it, I wonder if she had an ability that could tamper with memeory.... if a certain someone ever found out about this ability, she'd never be safe in the world.... quite the conundrum.

As much as i wanted to protect her, i aso wanted to break her, in every wich way that could be possible to, i wa ted to see her face twisted up into something i could brand into my memeory. I've already branded other expressions shewore there. I ca remember one that still gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. It was an expression I could die for. Her expression from what I remembered was annoyed as she threw a pack of Bungee gum at me. I couldn't help it, I really took her in, admiring her beautiful brown skin which held scars that felt familiar, snow white wild hair and golden orbs that seemed to glow like the sun.

I remember thinking and wishing our age gap at that time wasn't so large, for I would have courted her. i wouldve gotten her all the bungee gum in the world, fiven her all the love i had.... i wouldve give hermy body andmy life if it was what she wanted.... but she kept me at a distance. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone wronged her, or Tha someone hurt her so bad that she refused to give those who genuinely wanted to et close to her a chance. It was like a flash but I got a glimpse of a woman curled up into a ball crying, but I couldn't tell if it was her or just my imagination or not. Whether it was my imagination or not, I couldn't shake the feeling, the emotion that came to seeing that image.

I had also gotten into my head that she didnt want me to find her, so thats when then decided to occupy myself with illumi; like i had stated before, he was another person where emotions ran rampit andni couldnt even view him as a play thing, and just like her i wanted to protect him.

He was very beautiful for a man, and without a care I told him that even though I didn't get much of a reaction. The only time I could see his scrunched up expression was when I was buried inside of him. He's a man of many acrions and little words but when he sang it was in the pleasure I delt him. What love i had for him grew so much that we became close rather quickly, and it wasn't long until I proposed to him.

We were alike in some instances, though it was his strength I was attracted to, what better way to fight someone with appealing strength such is that?

I chuckled humorlessly, running along with the other Examines, seeing my explosive kitty coming into view. I noticed how everyone else gave her a wide birth of space, the grin on my face growing. She too wqs also someone who's strength I was very attracted to, absurdly so....

Seeing her body move in a comfortable jog, watching the muscles under her brown scard skin coil and flex as she moved was a stunning sight. She was sexy before, but it was even more pronounced now that I couldn't take my eyes off her. I noticed Illumi disguised as Gittarackur was watching her with a similar expression to mine, my bloodlust seeping out which caused him to cut his eyes at me.

It made me think back to what Illumi told me before. I had sent him to hide amongst the group that was targeting her, to help her just in case she needed it.

Seems she was called a protégé for a reason. He explained to me that she already knew who he was, how he watched her kill them all in a bloodlust blackout, commanding him to remove the pins he had hidden. hearing him say this to me reminded me so much of my first meeting of her.... it was so similar that I couldn't even take it to me a coincidence.

He also explained to me that she was the daughter of the clan cheif that resided out side of the city of Glam Glass, and that for the first time in his life, he was afraid he was going to die. Illumi is never one to express emotion or how he feels in any manner, hearing him use the word afraid worried me.

He said he couldn't breathe, he couldn't run, she was there before his brain could process. It seemed to bother him that she knew he had a correlation to me. But it also bothered him more that this girl I had him find was also the one from his nightmares and lucid dreams.

I found my eyes staring at her back, noticing a particular tattoo there that caught my eye. It was beautiful which involved a tree and the entities that looked to be life and death reaching out to eachother. I then remembered the tattoo under her breast that spelled out reborn, wondering if maybe there was a hint amongst her body ink.

i wonder how she'll feel when she finds out I'm engaged to Illumi. She may tolerate us but I sense a deep rooted dislike towards us.

It was obvious, she tolerated me alittlw more than illumi though it seemed shehad a serious bone to pick to pick with him, and he told me why. He did say she nearly broke his testicles after threatjng to slaughter his family including Killua, and I know how chaotic he can get over his younger brother. He also expressed to me that there shouldn't have been anyway for her to know who he was, his family or even about Killua. She knew something about us we never told her, it truly made me wonder who she was and was she was about.

I wanted to know all her secrets, every single one of them. I wa ted to under Stan the moments of Dejavu that we constantly had with her.... I wanted to remember her name... I wanted to know all that I could.... so that when it came down to the right time, I would break her.

But Not because I wanted to, but because she begged me to.... nice and sweet like....

It was certain now, she'd never be able to run from me again, I'd make sure of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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