VIII. lost and alone

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Kavya stared at Vanraj, fallen on the grass. Paling three tones.

"Fine, show her some more demo.", Anirudh said sighing.
Vanraj could barely hear things, everything seemed to have numbed due to the impact of the head injury.
Before he could retaliate he felt another sharp pain seething his being. He had been kicked on the abdomen. Did he crack a rib? He wasn't too sure. The pain jolted him to reality.

"No!", He heard Kavya.
He could almost feel the back of his head bleeding. The hitting did not stop at that. He felt another kick from behind. His spectacles had slipped away. He extended his hand to grab it, only for one of the professional assassins stepping on his arm.
He groaned helplessly.

Such an inglorious death. I deserve better.
He thought, gasping for breath. He could hear things now, finally.

"Think again Kavya. If he dies.. who will take care of that family? He is the sole bread earner. What will happen of poor Baa Bapuji? And the other small children? No more financial security.. no more happiness.. How much can Anupamaa contribute with the little she earns at that restaurant? And Kinjal? She has a business of losses. Along with your own future you are destroying their future.", Anirudh said, the tone intended to manipulate.
Kavya's mind had numbed.
She could not bear the thought of parting from her daughter anymore.

"So like a good girl, give Mahi to me.", Anirudh added, "Otherwise.. well.."
Kavya gulped, staring at Vanraj getting beaten up with blurred vision.
"Don't!", Vanraj shouted, "Nothing will happen to me.. Vanraj Shah is not that weak."
His intervention had hit a nerve. Anirudh asked the assassins to stop and walked down to Vanraj. He bent on his knee to have a close look at the man. Bleeding from the forehead, dusty, but the arrogance on face - as evident as ever.
"You are almost dying and you will still not bend. Can't you die in humility?", He asked.

Vanraj dragged himself up to half sit, he wiped off some blood from his lips.
"Almost dying, Anirudh.. Not dead. And as long.. as I live.. there's no damn way this head will bow before anyone..", He whispered, with an amused smirk.
There was nothing more annoying than a man who refused to bend.
"Dialogues and attitude.. A never ending saga.", Anirudh said returning the amused smirk.
He stood up and turned towards Kavya.

"One signal and he will die, Kavya.", Anirudh said plainly.
Kavya seemed to have phased out, she wasn't here anymore. Her mind was numb.
"Oh please..", Vanraj said wiping some more blood.
Anirudh drew in a deep breath.
"Hit him.", He said sighing. The men attacked again.
Anirudh walked down to Kavya as they heard Vanraj groan again.

"Is this what you want? Him to die? You can still come back to me.. I will take you back again.", Anirudh said softly.
"Don't kill him.", She whispered, tears sliding down her eyes.
"Then give me Mahi.. in fact come with me. What has this man ever given you except pain? Why do you keep clinging onto him? I can give you financial security.. I can give you love. Everything you'd ever want.", Anirudh whispered, his voice turning tender.

Kavya stared at Vanraj getting beaten up.
She knew there was no universe where they ended up happily ever after. Yet, she had dared to dream.
And the dream had instantly turned into a nightmare.

"You will never be his priority Kavya.. I will put you on the top of my list. He won't. Why do you want to stay with a man who does not prioritize you?", Anirudh asked.

"Stop it.", She whispered, her voice turning completely hollow. As if she had just lost a piece of her, "I am ready to give Mahi to you."
Anirudh immediately asked the men to stop, his lips curving into a smile.
Vanraj had passed out by now.
She walked down to him, knelt before him. She reluctantly placed a hand on his cheek.

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