XV. never meet again

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"The sky is so beautiful, isn't it?.", He heard.
He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to gaze at her.
His new wife, young, charming, everything that he would ever want - had he not fallen in love before.

"It is.", He said with a soft smile.
"You know when I was small.. Baba would take me out on such evenings for a walk to the market.", She said excitedly, turning to face him.
"That's sweet.", He said, trying his best to shove the image of his first love out of his mind.

Yet he found himself helplessly search for Rittika in his new wife.
And the more he saw her, the less he saw of Rittika.
His lovelorn heart just refused to move on.

"Will you—"

"Anupamaa!", They heard from inside.
He saw the nineteen year old girl's face fall, almost annoyed.
"I will.", He whispered, "But after your work's done."
She smiled softly, a little shy, blushing.
It was heart warming.
The way she was so smitten by him.

And he was trying hard to be smitten too.
"Thank you...", She mumbled as she immediately rose from the staircase before the small house.
He extended his hand to her.

She looked at him, perplexed.
"Will you hold me?", He asked.
The question was extremely symbolic, he himself did not realise it.
She instantly extended her hand to hold his.

"Anupamaa the milk is overflowing!", They heard from inside.
"Vanraj! Help me with my spectacles na beta!", Said another voice.
They glanced at each other, the little distance between their hands.

Then both of them took their hands back and rushed in to perform their respective duties.
That, had sealed the fate of their marriage.

Vanraj woke up on his bed with a heavy head.
He had been overworking and over exerting himself in the last few days.

He looked to his side.

"Mahi?", He called out.
But she was nowhere.
He immediately hopped off the bed picking up his spectacles from the side table.
He jogged out of the room.

"Mahi?!", He called out, half panicked.
"Uff, what happened Vanraj?", Baa said walking out from the kitchen.
"Where is Mahi?! She is not in the bedroom—"

"Oh ho Papa..", He heard from behind.
His pacing heart skipped a beat.
He turned immediately.
Mahi, now seven, still looking the same except for her increased height stood with her hand to her forehead, facepalming dramatically.

"Why are you panicking so much? I am here only.", She said, sounding almost exasperated.
"Why are you awake so early?", He asked, kneeling down before her.

She walked down to him with a wide smile.
"You only toh say that we should always wake up early.", She said as she gently placed her hand on his cheek.
"You almost gave Papa a heart attack.", Vanraj whispered as he immediately clutched her hand, squeezing it a little.

"You panic so much..", She said softly, gently carassing his hair back.
He smiled, she always managed to heal a part of him.
"Fine..", He said blinking off his tears, "Now we have to get ready for school."

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