87. Oh How Quickly The Morning Grows Dark...

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The sun had set it's light in the bedchamber, waking Alyssa up from her sleep. She stirred and adjusted to the light. She turned to Aegon's side to the bed o ly to find him gone. Her frustration mounted as she sat perched on the edge of the bed, the empty space next to her a glaring reminder of Aegon's absence. She took a moment to collect her thoughts, her mind still fuzzy from sleep.

The cool morning air brushed against her bare legs, sending a chill up her spine. She pulled the blankets back up over her lap as she rose from the bed, her eyes scanning the room in vain for any sign of her husband but was met with an empty room.

The sound of the door opening drew her attention, and she turned to see one of her maids stepping into the room, a bowl of water and a cloth in her hands. The maid's eyes darted from the bed to Alyssa, sensing her unease.

"Good morrow, your highness," the maid greeted, her voice soft yet professional as she lay the tray down on the bedside table. "I've brought water for you to wash your face."

"Thank you, Rose" Alyssa murmured quietly in response, accepting the bowl of water from the girl. She submerged the cloth provided in the bowl, the cool water refreshing her skin. With gentle, circular motions, she began to wash her face, the repetitive motion providing a momentary distraction from her worries.

Not even one single fucking morning without worries could be given anymore...

As she finished washing her face, she set down the bowl and cloth on a nearby table before standing up from the bed. Her nightgown hung loosely on her frame.

With a resigned sigh, she began to undress, slipping out of the nightgown and tossing it aside. Leaving her naked for a moment, looking at her reflection in the mirror before her, her thoughts neutral since she ignored Aegon's absence and focused on getting ready.

Her hair, a cascade of silver, hung loosely around her shoulders in loose waves adorned with sleep. The locks looked dishevelled and messy, some strands sticking out in different directions. Yet, even in their unkempt state, they added a certain wild, untamed beauty to her appearance.

Rose set to work, helping her get dressed. The maid first helped her slip into an underdress, the smooth fabric of the dress sliding over her body. With experienced hands, she then began to lace up a corset around Alyssa's waist, cinching it tightly. The corset, though uncomfortable, accentuated the slender curves of her torso, creating a slimming effect. Once the corset was laced and tightened, Alyssa drew in a deep breath, feeling the restrictive garment hugging her midsection.

Once the final touches had been made, Alyssa stood before the mirror, taking in her appearance. She was dressed in a black gown of fine silk, the rich fabric bringing out the silver hue of her hair. Golden jewelry adorned her neck and ears, adding a touch of regal elegance to her appearance.

A sigh escaped her lips as she adjusting her hair. Looking at herself with a hint of disappointment in the mirror. She couldn't help but feel a sense loneliness while standing there, a feeling she was most regrettably familiar with. Her brothers, Jace, Luke, and Joffery, had returned to Kings Landing, yet not a single one had sought her out. And her sisters, Baela and Rhaena, were equally elusive.

The sense of isolation settled over her like a dark cloud on an otherwise sunny day. She wondered if they even remembered she existed. But then again, it had gone years without a word from ether of them, mayhaps she should quit being suprised.

"Good morrow, dearest," the sudden sound of Alicent made her jump slightly. her voice gentle and affectionate as she addressed Alyssa.

Her face lit up at the sight of Alicent, and she stepped forward to give her a warm kiss on the cheek. Over the years, Alicent had become a maternal figure to her, a person she trusted wholeheartedly. She belive in her and confined in her.

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