I'm not okay

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Bold Is for the characters thought bubbles, expressions, texts and feelings! By the way go check out the creator of School Bus Graveyard (I'll be linking in the description)

All inspiration and credits go to them! I did not make any of these characters and feel free to let me know if I should make more stories 💗

!!! If you don't like suicidal, gore, or any of that stuff than I HIGHLY suggest you wait till I post my road trip chapter later today!!!

Aiden POV'S :

I took a deep breath.and looked at my bleeding wrists, blood oozed onto the floor. I glanced around till I spotted the medkit. Darn it, I thought I was done with this. If Ben finds out- No Ben won't find out...I have to stay strong, hold it in. I wrapped my arms up. The group would be suspicious , I couldn't let them know. Why am I doing this? Is it because of my parents? Maybe it's the phantom world... I curled myself into a ball. I don't even know why I'm doing this. I know it isn't a good thing but- I sighed.

I checked my phone, scrolling through tiktok. Maybe the group has something planned. I just need to pretend I never slit my wrists. I scrolled through the messages. Their coming over to my place? But why, Tyler never wants to and the others don't come unless i invite them. I sighed. "Shit, why am I like this..." I looked up at the ceiling. I sniffed and covered my blanket over me. I looked depressed but I honestly was scared. Why didn't my parents spend time with me? Do I not make them proud? What about savannah? Will we ever find out what went wrong? I felt hot tears coming down my face.

Why am I like this?

Why was I even born?

Why am I so fucked up?


I rose from my blanket and checked the clock. It was 4:30, the time the group was supposed to come. I Looked at my arms and sighed. It's bleeding through... I need to wrap them up again. As long as I act normal they won't find out. It'll- It'll be okay... I wrapped the cut's on my arms and put on the baggist hoodie I had. Okay, just act fine, it'll pass. I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm oka-

I opened the door for my friends, Tyler eyed me. "What happened to you?" He looked me up and down. I looked away, I guess I did look disheveled. My hair was messier and I had the worst bags of my life. "I- uhm, I just woke up..." I smiled at him. It's okay, don't cry, hold it in. Hold it in, it's okay.

He walked away and shrugged. The rest walked in not noticing my secret. Okay it's okay, I can do this just be yourself. "So what do you guys want to do?" I glanced at the group and tried smiling. "Are you okay aiden?" Taylor looked at me "You look like you were crying." Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. I looked away, I'm fine i'm just being selfish, calm down aiden. "I'm fine, I'm just uhm- tired haha yeah" I rubbed my neck and laughed lightly. Shit, they noticed i'm acting weird, be normal aiden! Don't cry your being selfish right now.

"No." ashlyn said, I glanced up looking confused. "You're obviously not okay. Why aren't you laughing at tyler? Why are you not sitting next to me? What the fuck is happening?" She squinted at me. "I'm fine" I lied again. I fiddled with my hands, don't cry. Don't cry. Logan looked at me with concern "Do you want us to go?" I can't hold it anymore. I need them, I don't want to be alone, not again. I felt the tear's stream down my face.

The group looked at each other in shock. "Please- please don't go, I need you to stay." I curled myself up and made myself look at them. I need them. Ashlyn ran to me and hugged me, Tyler sat down beside me embracing me. Everyone was next to me, hugging me. It felt like I cried forever. Eventually they all sat next to me worried and wondering what was wrong with me.

I sniffed, "A-are you ok, Aiden?" Taylor asked. I can't hide it, I need to tell them. "No." my voice cracked and I grabbed a pillow to hold. "What's wrong, do you want to...talk about it?" I looked at logan. I'm so tired, I can't even smile right now, I have to tell them. I can't hold it in. " My parents don't even glance at me and these phantoms are taking lives here and- and I just. I can't anymore, I don't know what to do" I sobbed, "I've been trying to have hope but I can't- I just... I just want to make my parents happy. To make you guys happy. To have everything back to normal" I closed my eyes. "And-and I have been slitting my wrists... I- I just, I can't, I don't know why I'm like this. And i've been keeping it in and..." I kept my eyes closed.

They're mad aren't they, It's okay just run away, you'll be okay. I felt someone's warmth, it was logans. He sobbed "I'm so sorry- I feel scared too, but it'll be okay" He let go of me and brought me tissues. "C-can I see your wrists?" Ash spoke up, her voice sounded like she was sad. "I'll go get a medkit and bring some food" Tyler got up and messed up my hair. He smiled at me.

"I'll go get some blanket's and movies" Taylor smiled at me and wiped a tear off her face. "W-what are you guys doing?" I asked in confusion. "Helping you.. Aiden, I'm sorry. Please don't- please dont kill yourself. I need you." Ash's voice cracked. She looked at my wrists and started to rebandage them. I felt myself cry again, but this time they were happy tears. "Aiden i'm sorry i didn't mean-" Ash started but I cut her off. I pulled her into a hug. The group came and asked if I was okay. I started laughing and crying at the same time. "Thank you so much. I- I can't believe I have you guys" I smiled. A genuine one. They stayed over for the weekend, we all told stories of random things and weird Tyler moments. My favorite was when he taught us how to write things.

"You guys know how to spell 'oh hell' In a calculator?" I asked. "I do" Tyler responded. "I remember your aunt taught me, isn't it, 4377 04?" 

I smiled as I looked around at everyone.

 I smiled. I'm so lucky, I'm so lucky to have them. My family of misfits.

!!! If you're going through anything I hope you're okay. Just remember if it's not okay then it's not the end, because in the end everything is okay. I love you and I'm here for you!!!

I'm sobbing, I love Aiden Angst 😭 Btw these characters aren't mine they belong to red, please go check her out!

P.S. Pt 2???

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