The ships first kiss

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Bold Is for the characters thought bubbles, expressions, texts and feelings! By the way go check out the creator of School Bus Graveyard (I'll be linking in the description)

All inspiration and credits go to them! I did not make any of these characters and feel free to let me know if I should make more stories 💗 

Short stories of how I think aidlyn, benlor, and tylenol got their first kiss :^ *Smooch*  


Third person/ Ashlyns POV? (their in the middle of a a fight and the group was trying to calm them down but ash yelled at them so their just watching from afar hoping for the best)

I scowled at aiden. "How could you just laugh?!" I yelled, he took a step back. His face showing he felt hurt. I continued, "YOU may not care if you die...But, I?" I took a breath. "I care! I care if you die, and if they die-" I pointed across the yard. "-And I care if I die! I want to have a career! I want to live!" I snarled. Aiden took another step back away, afraid. He felt his face heat up. "I-I..." He looked ashlyn in the eyes. "I'm just trying to keep us happy!" He spat out, "I'm trying not to get us spiraling into depression!" He shouted. Tears started to form from his eyes. He blinked repeatedly trying to see.

Ashlyn chuckled, "Keep us happy? You're reckless!" She yelled "You're not making anything better! If that was the case we wouldn't be here right now." She furrowed her eyebrows. Aiden sniffed, ashlyn was trying to keep her head cool. Trying to be the better person, but she wondered if she was doing the right thing.

Aiden cleared his throat, "You aren't making things any better ethier." He said "We could be going to savannah right now but instead you're yelling at me!" He concluded. Ashlyn glared at him, "I'm doing my best too! I'm scared too! I don't want to die but I will if it's for you!" He said in a shaky voice. Ash looked shocked at what he said. Would he really die for me? She sighed. Aiden started to sob, "I'm doing my fuckin best! I don't know you, or you or any of you that well!" He yelled out pointing at the group members.

"But, I'm willing to die for you and put in the hard work for them." He said his voice turning somber. Ash looked up, her arms wrapped around herself. She tried keeping her cool but she couldn't. She started to cry, "I- I'm sorry, I don't know what i'm doing." She said "I don't know how we got here and why I can hear the phantoms." She continued before sighing. "I-I don't know why or how or anything! I just know that I'm sorry-" Her voice filled with sadness. She kneeled to the ground sobbing before feeling warmth. His warmth. Aiden wrapped his arms around ashlyns waist, her hands on his chest. She looked up at him and they locked eyes.

"Ash-" Aiden began, they inched closer. She could feel his warmth, she got goosebumps as they looked at eachother. They sat their emotions high, teenager hormones sparking. She began to close her eyes, she didn't know anything. But, maybe that was okay, maybe they would figure it out. One thing she did know was that she didn't want to fight ever again. She pulled Aiden's face towards her, locking their lips together. Their faces intertwined. They pulled apart looking at each other in shock, misbelief. The group stood there all of them- Finding a sense of relief. "I- I'm sorry ash..." Aiden looked down, embarrassed. Ashlyn looked at him dead on, "No. I loved it. I don't know what i'm feeling but, whatever it is-" She said feeling giddy, before getting interrupted by aiden, "It feels like love." He said smiling, ash smiled back wiping a tear off her face before heading back to the group. Everything was going to be okay. I know it.

HIII this is pt 1!!! Also the roadtrip series ending isn't happening anymore because i'm unable to go back to the same file it was in *Womp womp* Anywho let me know if this was cool or cringey lol- ALSO GO CHECK OUT RED THE AUTHOR OF SBG 💗

P.S. I saw on reddit that a person thinks a good idea would for them to be all poly, I dunno abt that it could work also not. Idk what are ur thoughts?

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