Where's Aiden?

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Bold Is for the characters thought bubbles, expressions, texts and feelings! By the way go check out the creator of School Bus Graveyard (I'll be linking in the description)

All inspiration and credits go to them! I did not make any of these characters and feel free to let me know if I should make more stories

🔪 🏫 🩸 This is what's happening in the same time in Who Am I...


Depression SUCKSSSS.........

Psychokiller0: idgaffff ben! Letmme at those fp

Also logan has bullies too soooooo

All Read at 7:49

Gingerbread39: Anyone going to question why we all

Saw this and haven't talked abt it?????

Taytay072: Idk,also gmmm <3 I alrdy tried messaging

Ben but he set his phone to do not disturb, AND ai-

den so not sure :(((( (poor besties!!)

HITYOUWITHA..: Taylor I thought mum said you were

Grounded?! How'd you get your phone.... Also aiden won't

Reply to my emojis so idk man

Gingerbread39:We need someone who know's aiden's lan-

guage otherwise it might aswell be morsecode, were's

Logan?? :/

Flowerboy28: SRy! Here,I was making my bed :) gm

Has anyone tried email???

TayTay072: No but my computers dead- :(((

HITYOUWITHA..: I did, ALSO it responded but it had

These weird set of numbers and kicked me out. NO BUT


Gingerbread39: OK FOCUS!!! Do you think maybe their

Just busy???....

FlowerBoy28: With what? We gave eachother our calen-

ders when we first met because we had to trust we'd be

Able to meet soooo???Idk, hold up someone pull up a pic-

ture !!!!

TayTay072: I think I have it in my phone folder lemme ch

eck brbbbb <333

Picture of aiden's messy calender and ben's calender inputed

Please press backspace too delete from chat history

HITYOUWITHA..: Wow are they so different- Ok check august

Since that's the month were in >;/

Gingerbread39: There's nothing in aidens (typical) BUT theres

Smth in ben's it says 'hv @ 10am' LOGAN, do you think u can

Decode it???

FlowerBoy28: Maybe.....Not sure also I gtg cause I need to

Water my own plants brb!!!

TayTay072: There goes our human caculator :((( anywhoooo

It says hv, so maybe if we sepreate h and v it'll represent

A word! Kinda like code description for mechanics/stem


Gingerbread39: Good idea! Imma get posty notes brb, ty-

ler try messaging/ calling them both.

HITYOUWITHA..: UGH WHY ME, whatever fine i'll tell

You if they respond.

4 read at 8:32

Will they get to Aiden in time?

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