I hate love

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Bold Is for the characters thought bubbles, expressions, texts and feelings! By the way go check out the creator of School Bus Graveyard (I'll be linking in the description)

All inspiration and credits go to them! I did not make any of these characters and feel free to let me know if I should make more stories 💗

Just a head's up, I won't be doing the road trip series or whatever because I'm personally getting burnt out writing abt it lmao- So if you wanted to see an actual end I'll be posting that next weekend.

Ashlyn's POV:

I sighed in frustration. "Fuck- this isn't fair eros!" I yelled out pointing in the air as if the love god himself was even there. I sat down on my bed pouting. I just had to fall in love, and with aiden! Of all people... I know god's aren't real I just feel like I need to blame it on SOMEONE. I glared across my room. Whatever I can't keep avoiding him, I know it hurts him but I blush like crazy every time we accidentally touch. I heard a ping from my phone. Oh no- "Ashlyn! Your friend's are here" Mom called down from downstairs keeping her voice low but loud enough for me to hear.

I sighed and walked down stairs. "Hey, you guys" I glanced away from Aiden trying not to maintain eye contact. I know it was stupid, but I couldn't help it. He looked great and handsome, so many words I'm not good at using. But, if he knew that I liked him, would he like me too? Taylor spoke up her voice bouncing with excitement, "So, I was thinking what if we all go to the..." Taylor paused waiting for Tyler to join in, he drum rolled on his knees "waterpark!" Taylor smiled, hm not a bad idea plus, I don't want to watch another cheesy k-pop anime movie with dad.

"That's a great idea! I would love to go, I'm totally bringing water guns" Aiden made hand symbols to emphasize the whole "pew pew" Thing. Eventually we all got tired of standing at the front door and went up to my room. Aiden sighed, I glanced over. He glanced back and I looked away focusing on my shoelaces. "I'm sooo bored" Aiden flopped on my bed groaning, "Dude- can you shut up for 3 seconds?" Tyler glared at him. "Of course I can!" Aiden sat up annoyed "I'll do it starting...now!" Aiden held his breath, as if that was going to do anything. We all sat there watching Aiden hold his breath. Taylor tried to make him laugh or talk by telling really bad dad jokes. When I tell you I thought I'd never make it out, i'm serious.

Tyler kept pinching his cheeks, Logan tried bribing him with food. Eventually Ben got up and sat next to him so far aiden wasn't talking what would ben do? We watched as Ben typed something and only showed it to Aiden, Aiden gasped and turned red. "NO- BEN IF YOU DO THAT I'LL BE HUMILIATED-" Aiden wrestled with Ben trying to take his phone away. "I wanna see what he wrote. Ben pass the phone!" Taylor joined in forcing Tyler along with her. Ben threw the phone and Logan clambered to see what was on it, they gasped and squealed "Aiden i didn't know you-" Logan started smiling but aiden jumped on him closing his mouth.

Taylor yelled at Tyler to pass the phone but Aiden snatched Ben's phone and said If they told me he'd eat their popsicles. Taylor apologized and for the rest of the time they were here they kept looking at me and Aiden all giddy as if they wanted something to happen. I sighed. Did he like me? This is so hard. "I hate love" I said out loud, flopping on my bed before sticking up my middle finger to the same spot I would imagine ero's would be. Well now that, that mess is over I can at least have some time to think to myself. I wonder what was typed out that would have made Aiden blush so hard? Aw whatever, I'm too lazy to think about it.

Hope you enjoyed :D btw these characters aren't mine they belong to this amazing author named red go check her out, or else 🔪 😀 Anyways sorry I haven't been posting tests are coming up and I need to study lmao-

P.S. I personally would fight Aiden over that phone, maybe karate chop him, also eros is also known more commonly as "cupid" cupid is known in Rome and eros is known in Greece. Greek mythology and all that.

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