Chapter 7.

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Caine and I gracefully landed on the ground floor of the pack house. 

Posh huh?

As soon as the two of us stepped out of the elevator, pack members bowed there head and acknowledged us as there "Alpha and Luna." 

I felt a little uncomfortable, so decided to just smile. On the other hand Caine brushed them all off. 

I looked up at a tall Caine who I would actually say is close to 6'4 whilst I'm stuck at 5'9 then again it's pretty tall for a female. 

I glared at Caine for being rude to pack members whom were simply being respectful. He caught my eye and shrugged. I sighed dismissively. Caine led us to he's office, where I plopped myself on the couch and he sat behind his desk.

"You could've at least acknowledged them you know?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, but... oh whatever." He replied annoyed at himself for having no 'smart' reply.

I chuckled at his reaction and adverted my eyes so that I was intently studying the feature of his office.

I have to say he opted for the classy theme. The walls were painted light shade of grey, with elegant white furniture. A huge Apple Mac on his desk and a huge ass window to the right covering almost the whole wall, the view from the window was looking out into a forrest full of trees. It was simple and modest however was very eye catching. 

"Nice office you have Caine." I spoke still looking out the window.

"Thanks princess." He replied, I turned to look at him and saw him smiling a wholehearted smile. I smiled back and snuggled into the couch. "So I was thinking, now that I'm not the only one living in the penthouse. And plus I decorated the penthouse like an eternity ago and so it's all just what I've done and I don't know if you like it so..." Caine rambled on, once I finally had enough of his rambling, I cut him off. "Please babe, just get to the point." I said rubbing my left temple with my left hand. 

"Right um, do you want to redecorate the penthouse, or leave it be?" He asked scratching the back of this neck. 

"Um well to be honest, I quite like it the way it is, but if you want to redecorate I'm fine with that too, I really don't mind." I smiled at this thoughtfulness, and his consideration for others.. well me. 

"I'm fine with it too, it was just you know.. if you wanted too." He mumbled looking at me with love. I still feel terrible for not saying 'I love you too' but I guess I'm just not ready. I want to say it when I know I mean it. Like truly. 

"That's sweet of you." I stood up from the couch and walked towards him. He spun his chair so that I was able to sit in his lap. 

My back was against his chest, I rested my head between his shoulder and neck. Caine's arms wrapped around my stomach, whilst I hugged his arms with my own. (I hope that make sense).

"I can't hide forever. I'm not stupid I know they'll find me eventually." I spoke after a minute or 2 of comfortable silence. 

"I know princess. You see there's something I didn't tell you about your brothers when they asked for permission to search on our land." Caine mumbled into my hair. I pulled away slightly, just enough so that I could see his face. "They got suspicious and have there own pack members spying on our pack. We captured two of them late last night. They're in the 'torture house' as we like to call it." He finished.

"W-what are there names?" My voice was stuttering, cracking and not to mention it came out as a whisper, you could barely even hear it. 

"Sebastian and we're yet to find out the other one." Caine sighed pulling my back closer. 

"S-Sebastian, oh my life." My breath got caught in my throat. Like literally, I started breathing heavily, I was having a panic attack, and was for sure hyperventilating.

"Diana, baby calm down. Just breathe, in and out take large deep breaths." I heard Caine's voice instruct me.  

But I couldn't.. I couldn't breathe. He fucking ...... I can't even think about it. 

I rested my hand just below my neck and just above my breasts. I tried to breath normally but I couldn't. I could however faintly hear Caine, telling me to calm down.

Minor Flashbacks of things he did to me came crawling into my head. My eyes became a little heavy. 


"No, no please don't do this." I begged as I tried to move away from his evil self.

"I can't go against a beta order, now can I?" He smiled his evil, sadistic smile.

"Please Sebastian, you don't understand. I never wanted to do what I did. I was forced. You have to believe me. Please don't do this." I cried as tears ran down my face. My voice cracking numerous times.

Sebastian roughly grabbed my wrists with one hand, whilst the other was supporting my neck. "Shut up! I don't care wether you want this or not. You'll get it, it's an order and I will not go against it. Now shut up and let me do my job slut." He said as he let go my wrists and slapped me across the face. He pushed me down on the cold cement floor and...

Flashback over:

Before the whole flashback could finish, my breathing became normal. "Holy fuck! Baby are you ok? What just happened? You were screaming 'No, don't do this' and all this other shit and I fucking I thought.. I don't even know what I thought." Caine rambled as he pulled my into a hug. He wrapped his arm around my back whilst I wrapped mine around his neck. I then realised I was sitting on the chair whilst he was kneeling on the floor. 

"What happened baby? I said the guys name and you started having a panic attack and hyperventilating." Caine said into the crook of my neck.

"I-I lied-d." I said still breathing heavily. 

"What are you talking about? What did you lie about baby?" He asked calmly as he stroked my brown hair.

"My innocence was taken by another.." I whispered. Caine pulled away and looked my dead in the eyes. Even though my vision was blurry I could see the hurt, anger, disappointment, annoyance and sadness in his eyes.

"Elaborate." He spoke, his voice stone cold. I think he knew what I was was going to say. But I knew he needed.. no; wanted confirmation.

"He r-" Before I could finish, Caine cut me off with a growl that shook the whole pack house. 

Caine's eyes were red, like literally. Never have I ever seen someone so angry.. Not even my brothers.

Caine shifted into his wolf and ran out the door, breaking the door in the process. I shifted and followed him out. 

I could feel think long splinters digging into my paws from when the door broke. 

But that wasn't going to stop me.


I think you all know what Sebastian did... I cried writing the flashback and it wasn't even detailed.




- Strictly Confidential

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