Chapter 11.

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I opened my eyes and the first thing I realised was that Caine wasn't sleeping next to me, I could smell the sweet smell of food; so obviously he was cooking.

The room was dark and you could hear the rain hitting the windows. It was raining harder then ever. I looked at the bed-side table and saw it was 8:30 in the morning. I unexpectedly felt a jolt of pain near my collar bone, but was quick to realise that Caine had finally marked me. 

A smile was plastered on my face. Though it stung, it meant a lot to me.  I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I took in my appearance in the mirror, and I looked like something that came out of a horror movie.

My light brown hair was everywhere, it was like a freaking birds nest. I had dark under eye circles, and a fucking spot on the outside corner of my nose. It was hardly noticeable but come on! I then realised I hadn't actually looked at Caine's mark. I moved my t-shirt out of the way and examined the mark.

It had half a silver moon, inside the half moon there was a jet black wolf howling. Caine's initials were located at the top of the moon. 'C.A.S' wonder what the A stands for.

Pushing the thought away, I brushed my teeth and got into the steamy hot shower. I washed my greasy hair and shaved wherever I thought was necessary; and did all the basic stuff.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my self. I then got dressed in some denim skinny jeans, a black nike top, and some chunky boots. I put light make up on. I put some BB cream on, a layer of mascara and a little bit of bronzer. I topped it off with EOS lip balm. 

I walked out of the bathroom, and right before exiting the bedroom I picked up my phone.I made my way into the kitchen where it smelt like Bacon, and eggs. 

Caine was shirtless and cooking. Um yes please! He was wearing boxers and nothing else, holy shit; the things I want to do with him. Fuck, this mark has made my wolf a lot hornier. Caine must've smelt my scent, because he turned around and a smile was on his face.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Good morning beautiful." I strode up to Caine and kissed his soft lips. It was just a quick little 'good morning, I love you kiss.' 

I looked at what he was looking, and could see two pouched eggs and strips of bacon. 

"Egg and bacon roll?" I guessed.

"Yup." He replied popping the P.

"It smells so good! Mmm." I moaned at the smell.

"I am a pretty good chef if I do say so myself." He replied cockily.

"We'll see after the taste test." I playfully winked. I opened up the fridge and got out some orange juice. Literally the best thing in the world. "Do you want orange juice or something else babe?" I asked.

"Orange juice is just fine." He replied frying a bacon strip.

I poured two glasses and set them on the bench of kitchen island. After a few minutes of small talk and preparing the rolls, Caine bought to plates, with 2 egg and bacon rolls each. What can I say, we're werwolves, we need to eat.

We began eating, still making small talk, until Caine asked the question I thought, well hoped he'd forgotten- "So what were you doing in the torture house? Why did you go there?" 

 I put my roll down and took a sip of my juice before answering. "Uh, I went in there to find out if um Sebastian was.. gone.." I answered truthfully. "As for why, I needed to know for sure that one of my many nightmares ended. I needed to be sure that if not all, at least one nightmare had officially been removed."

"Why didn't you ask me?" His face showing no emotion.

"If I remember correctly you were drunk and wasted. So it's not like you were going to tell me. And I couldn't wait any longer, I mean I've waited long enough. So I went myself." I shrugged awkwardly.

"Did you see anything in there?" This question made me freeze. I saw him, I saw the other guy. He's evil eyes, his evil smirk! Ugh he's evil self; the way he looked at me with those yellow teeth. "You did, didn't you?" Caine added.

I just nodded my head lightly. "What?" Caine went on.

"Not what... who." I sighed. "The other guy that my brothers sent. He's my mothers brother, he's my uncle. And also one of my biggest torturers. H-he almost killed me once. Up until I found you, everyday I wished he had, but my brothers stopped him and that's when Sebastian did what he did. I was half unconscious, but I still had all my senses. I don't know how, but I did." I whispered every word. I couldn't find a strong voice within in me to say it loudly. Caine growled a loud menacing growl. 

I flinched away and was suddenly held against a strong chest. Caine was now standing up and he's arms were firmly wrapped around my waist, he pulled me out of my seat and rested his head in the crook of my neck, deeply breathing in my scent. I wrapped my arms around his torso and let a tear slip out of my eyes at the horrific memories. 

"I won't let them get you again, I'll give away anything and everything to protect you. If they want a war I'll give it to them. I'll kill every single one of them. I don't care who and I don't care how. Fucking bastards, how dare then lay a hand on my mate." He growled again.

I pulled away and looked into he anger filled eyes. "That's my past and I'm just as determined to forget it as you are. And I'm positive that with you by my side I can forget it. But promise me, you won't get hurt from it. If something happens to you, I'll never forgive myself." I cried.

"You and I are better then forever, nothing can stop us. As long as we have each other we can over come everything. Nothing is going to happen to me, and nothing is ever going to happen to you."  At the end of his beautiful quote, he kissed me. He kissed me full force. A passionate, loving kiss. But one thing he said still lingered in my head.

'You and I are better then forever.'






- Strictly Confidential

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