Chapter 15.

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I barged into Caine's office to see him pacing around the room with his hair being a mess. He approached me and engulfed me in a tight embrace. "Thank god your alright. I swear if something happened to you, I would've slit this bitches throat and fed all the blood to rouges and then I would've slowly cut the rest of h-" I cut him off because this shit is getting to graphic.

"PG-13 babe." I smiled into his chest.

"Right, of course." He chuckled lightly. "Now what happened." He sat on the leather couch in his office with me on his lap, his arms firmly wrapped around me.

"Well I went walking around the territory looking for Anita. Then I heard this blonde female talking on the phone saying shit like 'don't worry your sister is as good as dead, I know the plan. There alpha is stupid and he won't be able to protect her' so I freaked out and mind-linked you. I didn't see her face, all I know is that she has fair skin and has blonde hair. And holy shit I'm freaking out." I finished and breathed heavily. 

Caine was not shaking with rage, his eyes pitch black, his wolf was surfacing. He growled at anything and everything. I placed a hand on his cheek and the other arm around his neck. I placed soft kisses on his lips,  I felt and saw him visibly relax. 

"Are you ok?" I whispered in his ear. 

"I am not a stupid alpha. You are not as good as dead. I will die protecting you." He said in intervals.

"You are the smartest alpha I know. I'm not as good as dead because I have you. I'd never let you die even if it is you protecting me." I spoke against his lips. He growled at the close proximity. 

"I love you so much." He spoked as he wasted no time in smashing his lips to mine. It started off slow, until we were full on french kissing on the couch. I was laying down, whilst Caine was on top; showing how much love we held for one another and never breaking the contact of our lips as if our lives depended on it.

"Ahem." Someone cleared there throat. I pulled away and hid my face in Caine's chest in embarrassment, as he groaned in annoyance. 

Neither of us bothered at looking at who it was. "This better be important." Caine growled.

"Yes alpha it is." I heard a feminine voice. I pushed Caine and stood up and looked at the female who was a few feet away from me. 

Blonde hair, fair skin, dark blue eyes. and small pink lips. A spoon figure, wearing a white summer dress with white sandals. 

"David's mate." I whispered accidentally.

"W-what?" She stuttered wide eyed.

"You manipulative bitch. Your David's mate, you were on the phone to him, saying shit about this pack and how I was to be considered as 'good as dead'." I said glaring at her, my fists clenching and un-clecnhing. "This is her Caine." I said looking back at him.

David's mate turned around and attempted to make a run for it, out of no where Layton and Jace popped out and grabbed her arms and held her down. Thanks Caine for mind-linking them, I meant it when I said he was the smarted alpha I know.


Sofia was now sat on the couch with the office door closed. Caine, her and I in the room. There was no escape for her. 

'I'll leave this to you.' Caine mind-linked.

"What's your name?" I asked sternly.

"Why would I tell you?" She challenged.

"Because you are on our territory. We can kill you in a split second. Your children will have no mother, and your mate will find another, or die. Your choice." I challenged back. I probably sounded cold-hearted and cruel. But she bought this upon herself, okay David and Daniel had a small part too.. Fine big part.

Her eyes wide, until she sighed in defeat and gave in. "Sofia Everborn, yes your brother David is my mate, and yes we're married and have 2 beautiful twins." 

"I don't need your life story, I only asked for your name." I growled.

'Your good baby.' I heard Caine voice through the mind-link. You could tell he was smirking.

'Well, I try.' I replied. Anyway, back to the task at hand.

"This is bullshit, why am I being punished for wanting to help my mate kill his sister, who fucking killed her own parents. What kind of daughter are you, you little bitch. Did you even think of anyone else, like your fucking brothers. Do you have any idea how much they went through. When David and I found each other he was broken, closed off and wouldn't even talk to me. Why? Because of you bitch, Daniel wasn't any better. I was the one who bought them out of there shells. Do you have any shame you bitch? How does your mate love you, what does he see in a little bitch like yourself?" Her voice echoed, as she had yelled all of that.

I tensed as tears streamed down my face. Now Caine stepped in and slapped Sofia right across the face, making her head turn to the side, a bright read mark appeared straight away. No doubt a bruise was going to form. "How dare you come to our pack and verbally abuse the Luna with things you have no clue about. Do you have any idea what Diana's life as been like? You and your mate and his brother have no clue as to what really happened that day, no one fucking does. My beautiful mate was raped by a member of your pack, she was abused in every way possible. Why? Because no one bothered listening to what had really happened! Before assuming things, you must get your facts straight. David and whatever the other ones name is, may have been through a lot but I can guarantee you that it's absolutely nothing compared to what Diana went through! Don't you dare think for a second that my mate had it easy. She was left with no choice, beaten, bruised, scared, broken. Her brothers fucking watched her get raped and didn't do jackshit about it! Why? Again because everyone chose not to hear the truth of that day. I love her with all my heart! Anyone who dares to question my love for her should consider themselves as good as dead." Caine shook, growled and was extremely close to lunging at Sofia.

However I stared at Caine in disbelief, but out of it all.. I stared at him with love, pure love. 

He is my rock, the only thing in this world keeping me together. 


:P The truth is so close to coming out! Will they believe Diana though? 




- Strictly Confidential

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