Chapter 9.

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I opened my eyes and saw that I was in the penthouse in our room. The room wasn't completely dark due to the night lamp being on. I moved my arm around and realised that Caine wasn't next to me. I sat up on the bed and saw that it was pitch black outside. The window had been left open and the curtains were flying due to the wind. 

I got up on my feet and walked to the window; to shut it. I walked out of the room and was greeted with a drunk? Caine. He was sitting on the ouch with a beer bottle in his hand. Multiple other beer bottles were at his feet and on the coffee table. 

I didn't say anything, I wasn't scared. I'd dealt with drunk men before.. 

Caine looked me dead in the eye, before speaking -"Go to sleep." 

"Not tired." I replied bluntly.

"Well make yourself tired." He scoffed.

I deiced to not back fire, as it would probably aggravate him. I left him in his hideous state and made my way to the kitchen. I got a cup and filled it up with water. I gulped the water down, and let out a sigh of relief for my dry throat.

I then sat on one of the bar stools. Both my hands interlocked with one another. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to Sebastian. There was no use asking Caine, I wasn't going to get anything out of him right now. So as I got off the bar stool as quietly as I could. 

I went back to where Caine was now passed out. Perfect.

I tip toed to the elevator and got inside. I got to the ground floor and again quietly -not wanting to disturb anyone- tip toed outside. Once I was outside I shifted into my wolf and ran to the 'torture house.' 

I need this nightmare to end, I need to know that at least one of them is dead. This is also a perfect opportunity to find out who the other spy is. 

I shifted back and found myself some clothes that were lying around. I was about to come out of the bush that I had changed in when I realised that there was a guard standing in front of the house. 

Shit, what now? Come on Diana think. 

Meh, what's the worst that can happen if I show myself. Without giving it a second thought I came out of hiding.

"Um, hi." I said awkwardly.

"Luna. What are you doing here at.." He checked his watch. "3:00 in the morning?" He continued.

"I need to get inside.."

"Layton." He smiled.

"Layton." I smiled back. "And uh- um I came here earlier with Caine and uh left my hoodie inside. I don't quite remember where, do you mind if I just uh pop inside to find and retrieve it?" I lied.

"Uh- Luna I'm sorry I can't let you inside, however I can ask someone to look for you?" He suggested.

"I don't want to bother anyone. I'll only be a few minutes." I tried negotiating.

Layton hesitated before coming up with a compromise- "Fine, but if your not out in 7 to 8 minutes Luna, I am coming inside."

"Deal, and please call me Diana." I smiled before he stepped aside and let me in.

The smell of blood filled my nostrils and I couldn't help but gag at the unpleasant smell. 

"Luna are you alright?" Layton asked. 

"Um, fine thanks." I lied, however trying to make it sound convincing.

"Alright, just yell if anything happens." Was the lest thing he said before shutting the metal doors.

With all the effort I could muster up, I avoided the distasteful smell.

Right. Now where is Sebastian's cell. This place was huge, no way I could find his cell in 8 minutes. I walked around a bit before spotting what looked like a map with labels. I ran up to it, thanking the moon goddess.

I searched the map for a bit before spotting a 'Seb' in Cell 20. I looked around and saw I was opposite cell 15. So I have to pass 4 more cells to get to the target. I kept walking until I finally came in front of cell 20. On the side of the door, it read 'Terminated.'

I scoffed, nice vocabulary Caine. However realisation hit me, and I came to the conclusion that Caine had killed the one of the men who haunted my nightmares. Tears of joy spilled out of my eyes, soon realising that I didn't have time to cry. I had to find the other guys cell. Whoever he may be. 

If Sebastian's cell is here, that must mean that the other guy's cell must be somewhere close by. 

I walked around and got on to my tip toes to see if I could see anything through the small squared, plastic window on top of the large, heavy metal doors. 

After searching for a minute or so, I saw someone sitting in the corner of one of the cells, his eyes wide open. Blood covered his body. I squinted my eyes to see if I could put a name to the familiar face. 

Once again realisation hit me, and I figured out who the face was. But before I could do anything I heard screams coming from the front area. I looked back at the man and saw that this time he was looking right at me, an evil smirk plastered on his face. My breath hitched in my throat. I clutched my throat in hopes to get some air in, however it was quite stupid, as I was only disabling air to access my lungs. 

Have I ever mentioned that I get panic attacks easily.

"DIANA!" I heard a growl. I knew the growl. Caine.

He was in the distance, his face showed all signs of fury.

He stalked towards me. With every step he took forward, I took one backwards. 

My back hit a cold wall. Caine took this opportunity stalk quicker. 

In the blink of an eye he was in front of me, his tall self towered over me. I gulped the lump in my throat. "What. Are. You. Doing. Here." He spoke each word  venomously through gritted teeth and clenched fists. 

I then said the one thing, I didn't mean to come out. "I hate you." 

There was two bad things about this:

Sad thing: number 1) A tiny part of me meant it. 

Number 2) Guess I was just convincing myself that love was possible. 


Sorry for the late update, been busy as fuck!





- Strictly Confidential

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