A Stranger in Summerville

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The late afternoon sun had already begun casting long ominous shadows across the quiet streets of Summerville. Summerville... it seemed so boring for a place so out of touch with the rest of the world. It had proven to be difficult, but nothing you couldn't handle. After all, what was sixteen years of your life spent in this little slice of 'paradise.'

You'd made a comfortable seat on the roof of your house on the corner of main street, using a blanket to keep the feeling of the warm metal from your back, just watching the cars roll by. Every once in a while someone you knew would drive on by, continuing on their menial escapades. The scent of Spinners Roller Hop wafted a little in your direction–though you frankly didn't mind.

There was one old gray Subaru that slowly rolled on by, out of place. You couldn't recall seeing it before, but there was nothing special about it. Perhaps it was just another poor soul that went off-course and got turned around. But, nevertheless, it carried on through the street, and off into the far distance.

Little did you know that the vehicle in question would become much more important than you could've ever imagined.

Later that week you'd be starting summer school. Hooray. You knew it would be just another chance for a teacher to make a quick paycheck while not actually learning anything of value. Hell, you'd probably just wind up skipping out to do literally anything more entertaining. However, occasionally it did have its benefits, like halfway decent cafeteria food, if you forgot your lunch at home again.

You reluctantly climbed down from your perch above the world, hoisting yourself back inside your bedroom. You found yourself quickly cranking the fan up to its highest setting to avoid the heat.

"Yeah, summer will be sooo much fun..." You sarcastically grumbled to yourself, crashing down onto your bed.

A Few Days Later...

You were right. The days were in fact slow and dull, bar the occasional small tremors that rumbled through the town. And unfortunately, summer school didn't look like it would be at all promising. The first day arrived, and with the enthusiasm of a funeral procession, you dragged yourself out of bed, and took to the halls trudging like a zombie. Breakfast was really just a blurring of cereal and lukewarm coffee, barely registering as you went about it like a machine.

With a heavy sigh, you grabbed your backpack and headed out the door. The impending boredom had set in like a weight in your chest. The walk to school was uneventful, the streets deserted in the oppressive heat–even the pigeons seemed to have abandoned their scrounging for crumbs, seeking shelter from the relentless sun.

Almost to the front doors, you lumbered down the sidewalk towards the front door. The odd gray Subaru you had seen previously came rolling up the street behind you, slowly passing before making a stop just across from the doors. From the backseat came... a girl? You blinked a few times to confirm that who you were seeing wasn't just a figment of your imagination.

Sure enough, she was still there. She wasn't super tall, but had beautiful dark curly hair, and big wire-rimmed glasses. You didn't recognize her, she must've been from out of town. She anxiously looked around, and you made brief eye contact.

You were quick to look away, keeping your head down as you walked inside, her trailing only a few short paces behind you.

"Hey, go be yourself!" A feminine voice called after her.

A few of your peers called to you as you continued your trek, "Hey, Y/N, what's up?" or, "Welcome to hell, L/N."

You finally found yourself just outside the science classroom, you hesitated before you entered. The girl from earlier shuffled past you and into the room with a halfhearted, "Excuse me."

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