The Final Showdown

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As you finally all scramble to get out of the Ecto-1, you look up at the growing storm. You grabbed onto Phoebe's arm, looking at her with a mixture of concern and adoration. She glanced back at you with a similar expression, though a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

She turned towards the porch, pulling you along with her.

"Mom, come on!" She hollered over the wind, running up to the steps.

Callie followed closely behind, stopping just in front of the steps, staring at the corn field across the yard. You and Phoebe stood behind the porch railing, Callie joining you after a few seconds. The air whistled eerily, like a horrifying song. It reminded you vaguely of the Aztec Death Whistle that Podcast had been using. You bemusingly wondered where it possibly could have been now.

"Get back, get ba–" Callie was quickly interrupted.

"Mom?" Phoebe cautiously moved from behind her.

She released herself from your grip, walking down the porch steps onto the field. Each plod forward into the dirt crunch.

"Phoebe, wait!" You whisper-shouted, watching as Gozer broke through the corn, only half-materialized.

You ran up behind her, staring down the flickering figure. Gozer's form crackled with the same orange-colored lightning flashing from above. You stood to the right of her, joining hands to raise the trap in front of you. You shot her a grin and an expression of determination.

The flickering form staggered its way forward, fighting with every labored step. The half-formed deity stared you down menacingly, clearly eager to see your demise.

A flickering form staggers and fights their way forward, the half-physical body of Gozer materializing slowly.

"Pull the lever." Phoebe calmly commanded.

"Pull the...?" Callie repeated, looking down at the porch, a conveniently placed switch awaiting her reaction.

Callie yanked the lever upward, with a sudden jolt and crack of electricity. The silos began to crackle with energy, sparks and bolts of energy shooting out from them. The ground buzzed with the hundreds of traps buried just a few inches into the dirt.

Gozer's head snapped in the direction of the silos, before returning its attention back to you. The god took another step forward before you heard the door crash open from behind you. You glanced over your shoulder to see Lucky in full gear, a proton gun at the ready.


You couldn't help but smugly grin.

"Lucky, you son of a bi–"

Before you could finish your remark, a scorching blast of protons shot past your head, tangling around the barely tangible figure.

Trevor was quick to join, shooting out of the gunner seat, firing up his Proton Pack. As he tried to use it, it fizzled out before firing. You looked on, exchanging befuddled looks over a distance.

"Come on, what are you waiting for!?" Podcast worried, starting to nervously shout.

"I'm waiting for this thing to work!" Trevor slapped the gun, trying to see if something had come loose. "It's not working!"

Unbeknownst to him, or to Podcast, several dozen mini marshmallow men had begun to invade the available spaces. They weaseled their ways into the crevasses of the Proton Pack pulling out wires and breaking gears. Podcast shrieked as he realized what was happening.

Gozer had finally recovered from Lucky's attack, starting to manhandle the proton stream. The deity wrapped the beam along its arm, grasping it firmly.

Paranormal Prodigies (Phoebe Spengler x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now