The Possession of Callie Spengler

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You sped down toward the Spengler homestead in the old gray Subaru. The car was full of nervous chatter, right up until the second you all got out and onto the porch. Phoebe threw the door open, you all followed in immediately after.

Callie was ominously waiting in the leather recliner, staring out to a void in front of her.

"Mom?" Phoebe skeptically called out, not quite sure what was happening.

You weren't sure, but you thought you could hear Callie whisper a response, "There is no mom. There is only Zuul."

You, Podcast, and Phoebe each exchanged bewildered and frightened looks. The way she was sitting was so bizarre, not looking at anything in particular, eyelids drooped low.

"Mom, are you okay?" Phoebe cautiously approached her again.

Callie's head slowly turned to acknowledge you all, her eyes clouded red-orange. In a deep and ominous tone–a voice clearly not her own–replied clearer than before.

"There is no mom. There is only Zuul."

"What is happening right now?" Trevor marched over, clearly distressed. "Is she okay?"

"Mom?" Phoebe took small steps towards her.

"Ms. Spengler?" You prodded further, you and Phoebe in stride with each other.

You held onto her arm while Podcast waddled closer, kneeling down a foot away from her. Callie's body shook in quick and rattling breaths. She lunged at Podcast, causing everyone to gasp. At first you thought she was going to hit him, but she instead gingerly brushed his face, tousling his hair.

"Are you the Keymaster?" She cooed, in that same foreboding growl.

"Um, I don't know...?" Podcast reluctantly exclaimed.

"Mom?!" Phoebe groaned, clearly weirded out.

"Um, Phoebe, what do I do?" Podcast worriedly inquired, gradually leaning away from Callie.

"Mom, stop!" Phoebe demanded, reaching for her arm.

Unbeknownst to you, Trevor had picked up the PKE Meter, watching as it turned into a quick ghost taser of sorts, causing Callie to vault over the chair to the other side, cowering behind it. She growled low, like an enraged hound.

"Woah!" Trevor yelped.

As suddenly as the commotion calmed down for a second, the shaking started. The whole house rumbled and jostled around, another attempt to keep the horde of spirits at bay in their confinement. The rattling echoed down into Summerville, causing the town to enter a state of panic. A plate of donuts began to spill down one by one, rolling off their countertop and onto the ground.

3rd Person POV

Deep within the bowels of the mines, as the Proton Packs fired again, Gary Grooberson was making it his mission to stop them. With torn clothes and brute force, he pulls one of the emitters from its perch, until the stream begins to cross with another.

In a brilliant shower of sparks, the pack it was attached to was fried. It flickered out, and its beam was cut off. Now he knew that this whole setup was able to be destroyed. He was sure to make quick work of the rest of the packs and streams, watching with a look of demented glee as he single-handedly destroyed them all.

He stared in awe as the contained spirits began taking flight into the sky as similarly colored orange and black wisps. The statue of Gozer began to crack and fall apart to reveal a dark red and tangerine beyond. A set of stairs and steeples began to stretch out of the hole, a seeming temple made of great and new-looking sandstone.

Paranormal Prodigies (Phoebe Spengler x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now