Car Ride Home

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Podcast triggered the trapdoor to open, trying to quickly usher the RC car back inside without any further incident. Trevor continued maintaining a steady pace driving the Ecto-1, even though the wailing sirens started to give you a small headache.

"Oh, Phoebe, Phoebe!" Callie began, shooting back fully conscious, as if remembering a much needed detail, "There's this secret basement–"

"We know." Phoebe interrupted.

"It had all of these computers and equipment!" She continued, unfazed.

"Isn't that place insane?" Podcast interjected, turning toward Callie.

"Yes! And–And, it seemed like he had a plan!" Callie concluded with a confident grin.

You let out a small chuckle, admiring the admittedly odd family dynamic. For once it would seem that Phoebe was placed in the motherly role, while Callie's thoughts were as muddled and confused as a childs.

"We've been doing our own digging, Ms. Spengler." You laughed politely.

"We're aware." Phoebe bluntly corroborated.

"Oh," Callie sighed, before regaining her energy, "Oh! And there were all these photos of me! Like–Like he was tracking my entire life."

"How rewarding!" Podcast lifelessly cheered for her.

"Dude, at least show some empathy." You knocked his shoulder for the billionth time.

"Super news." Phoebe agreed, albeit much more emphatically, "We really wanna hear about it."

"Yeah, but we're kinda trying to save the world right now." Trevor finished the lingering thought.

Callie tried to digest everything, slowly nodding, "Okay, cool! I'm in, how can I help?"

"Well–" You started before hearing a loud crash and growl.

The Hellhound of Gary Grooberson had finally caught up to the Ecto-1, bashing the RC car off onto the sidewalk a ways. Podcast kept a steady hand on the controls, even through his labored breathing and complaining.

"What the hell was that?" Callie shot up, clearly stunned.

"That was your boyfriend, Gary." Trevor anxiously stated, looking over at his mom from the driver's seat.

"Boyfriend?" She was clearly confused.

The possessed Gary chased after the car eagerly, chasing it further down the sidewalk. It tossed away tables and chairs like they were made of nothing but sticks. It crashed through every obstacle it could manage to try and catch the little toy car. It made one final lunge and missed, allowing Podcast to whip the RC back around to the Ecto.

"Inside that trap is the Gatekeeper," Phoebe tried to explain.

"Gatekeeper?" Callie repeated.

"If the Gatekeeper and Keymaster reunite... one second." Phoebe put her hand on the lever to flick out the gunner seat.

"Give 'em hell, hun." You grinned, gingerly squeezing her hand as her seat slid out and into the open road.

Phoebe was quick to fire, a steady stream of protons warding off the devil dog as it approached the car, keeping it at bay. She had a dopey smile on her face, like for once in her life everything felt alright. After a few seconds, she retracted the lever, pulling herself back inside, the door thudding closed behind her.

"That was some damn good shooting, partner." You wrapped an arm over her shoulders.

"Phoebe–" Callie uttered– "You're... you're..."

"I'm a scientist." Phoebe confirmed.

Podcast finally got the toy car up the ramp and into the catcher, whooping with joy. He held it steady before he closed the doors.

"Oh, we got her!"

"Yes!" Trevor excitedly slapped the dash.

Phoebe looked at you with wide and loving eyes. Though it was a little hard to see, you could just tell how her cheeks were slightly more pink than the rest of her face. You could've kissed her right then and there, told her how you really felt. Though, perhaps it wasn't the best idea while the car was full of other people.

"T-This was grandpa's plan," She stuttered, finally looking away from you.

"We're comin' in hot!" Trevor cut her off, swerving sharply up into their driveway.

The Ecto-1, still screaming, rockets up onto the driveway after missing the initial entrance. After a few seconds, they were back on the old tire tracks, the sirens still wailing as loud as ever. Trevor drifted to a final stop just outside of the house, the lights and sirens all blinking out as you all hopped out of the car.

The storm from the mines had shifted, now it was right over the Spengler homestead, growing closer and closer to making landfall. You weren't sure what was worse, the thought of being killed by an ancient deity, or dying without telling Phoebe how you really felt.

You were going to make sure that you would both survive, and that she would know that you loved her.

A/N: Hello everyone, Tuesday is the day I leave for my trip, so I wanted to crank this out as a sequel to last week's episode, and still kinda have it count for this week, even though it's seriously short. Sorry for keeping the romance on hold, by the end I'm sure it'll be well worth it. Anyway, I'll see you guys by next week! Cheers. 

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