Jailhouse Rock and Blues

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"We were on that big mountain, and I went to hang out with this girl in this old, rusty mining cage. All of a sudden, it just started shaking, like an earthquake. And there were lights! Then I looked down in this giant hole. Inside of it, right in the middle of it, was either a person or a reptile–are you even paying attention right now?" Trevor explained the previous night's escapades, anxiously bouncing his leg on the cell floor.

Podcast's dopey grin returned, though you tried to ignore it.

"Yeah, I'm just excited we're in jail!" He chuckled, earning a distasteful look from you.

Phoebe looked even more nervous than before, she barely made an effort to hide it. You carefully rested one of your hands on top of hers, rubbing her knuckles with your thumb. In turn, she blushed, eventually resting her head on your shoulder again.

"It's gonna be alright, hun." You softly whispered, trying to put her at ease.

"Anyway, I thought I heard something say, "Gozer."" Trevor concluded, shrugging.

As if on cue, from nearby came a feminine voice, cutting him off.

"He speaks the truth. I was there." She stepped out from behind a corner.

Trevor immediately shot up, rushing over to the bars to see her, obscuring her from your view. Her voice sounded a tad familiar, though you weren't sure from where. Trevor was quick to strike up conversation though.

"Hey. Hi! How–what brings you here?" He asked, wrapping his hands around the bars.

"Actually, you could really help me with hiding something." She teased.

"Yeah, yeah." He vigorously nodded.

"Do you have any priors? Because they'll charge you as a minor. You'll get two years, max." She giggled.


"I'll visit you, okay?" She grinned.

She seemed even more familiar now. Perhaps you'd bumped into her around school or around town? Spinner's, you assumed. She loved to tease Trevor though, evident by her playful remarks.

"Lucky. Quit messing with my inmates." The town Sheriff grumbled, standing behind the opposite corner of your cell.

"Sorry dad." She quickly apologized.

"Dad?" Trevor repeated, confused. "So you're just..."

"Waiting for my ride? Yeah." Lucky beamed. "But... you look good behind bars."

Trevor looked away, a giddy smirk tugging at his lips. His cheeks were just a tad bit rosy, though he tried to hide it.

"Hey, don't we get a phone call?" Phoebe raised her head, turning to the Sheriff.

"Please tell me you're going to call your mom." You sighed.

"No, not my mom. I have an idea." She shook her head, whispering.

"Sure you do." He looked bemused. "Who you gonna call?"

Phoebe's POV

"Make it quick." The Sheriff slammed down an old phone on the desk in front of me.

I quickly reached in my pocket, grabbing out a crumpled piece of paper. I had written down the phone number from the old Ghostbusters ad I had been watching with Y/N.

As I put the receiver to my ear, I could hear the call ringing for a few seconds, before it finally went through. Before I had a chance to say anything, a weary voice came through the other end.

Paranormal Prodigies (Phoebe Spengler x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now