What In the World...?

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Later That Evening...

Still at Phoebe's house, you decided to tag along with her as she picked up the buzzing PKE Meter again. It led you both downstairs and outside, while Callie and Mr. Grooberson continued their little chat. He seemed very fascinated with an old map, though that just sounded like nonsense to you.

You continued down the yard to one of the crumbling shacks on the property, right where the meter was pointing. Phoebe hadn't uttered a word as she continued her trek, coming closer and closer to the door.

"Uhm, Phoebe, what are you holding?" You questioned, falling a few paces behind her.

"I don't know..." She replied under her breath, "but it's like it's pointing me here."

"If you say so..." You shivered.

She pulled the door open slowly, waving the meter in slow motions around her. A few feet ahead was an old copper pipe, it looked like an old firehouse pole. It continued down a hole in the shed, underground.

"You're not actually going down there, are you?" You prodded, raising a brow.

"Well, what else should I do, hm?" She teased, turning around and flashing you a soft smirk.

"This is super creepy, but alright." You replied.

She took the first plunge, awkwardly wrapping her arms and legs around it before dropping down below. You heard a thunk as she presumably hit the floor.

"Everything okay down there?" You leaned over the gap, being met with complete darkness.

"Just great. The only problem is, it's super dark down here." Phoebe called back. "Do you have a flashlight?"

"Yeah, just give me a second, I'll be right there."

You exhaled deeply, also weirdly contorting yourself to fit around the pole, before swinging down onto a hard concrete floor. You stood up, taking in the surroundings–what little you could make out. She was just a few feet in front of you.

"Hello?" She cautiously asked.

"It's just me–" You were interrupted by soft clicks.

A light behind you flashed on, then another, then another. They were slow, humming and buzzing like they'd just woken up from a decades long slumber. The incandescent bulbs glowed a deep yellow-orange color.

"I don't suppose you flipped a switch or something, did you?" You anxiously shuffled, as she took a good look at the scene layed out in front of her.

"No, I didn't." Phoebe matter-of-factly stated.

Another light clicked on behind you both, you quickly whipped around to see shelves with mason jars and petri dishes of... things.

"What the hell is all of this stuff...?" You trailed off.

There was a metallic clicking noise, drawing your attention to a locker just a few paces away. It was rusty, but not in bad shape besides that. Phoebe was the first to approach, lifting the latch and pulling the door open slowly.

Inside of it were uniforms? These four tan-brown jumpsuits that seemed oddly familiar. She reached out a hand, drawing them back, the nametag 'Spengler' appearing on the closest one. Phoebe ran a hand down the front of it, first pulling out an old crinkled Crunch bar wrapper, then a pair of strikingly similar wire-rimmed glasses like her own.

"Those look just like your glasses, don't you think?" You inquired, as she slowly raised them to her face.

"Yeah, and they fit..." She whispered, as a light further down the room lit up.

Paranormal Prodigies (Phoebe Spengler x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now