Testing Your Metal Pt. 2

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Regular POV

A youthful face popped out of the car window, his curly hair tousled by the breeze as he squinted at Phoebe with curiosity.

"Hey," he called out, catching Phoebe off guard.

"Hey?" Phoebe's response mirrored her confusion. "This is Podcast, this is Y/N, they're my friends."

"You have friends?" The boy's incredulous tone matched Phoebe's.

"You have a car?" Phoebe retorted quickly, seizing the opportunity for a good jab.

With their similar dark, curly locks and quick-witted exchange, you couldn't help but assume they were siblings.

"Yeah, it's a Cadillac." He responded nonchalantly.

Podcast, eager to inspect the Ecto-1, sprang forward. "Hey dude, we need a ride. Do you know how to drive?"

Phoebe swiftly intervened. "He doesn't, he failed his driver's test three times," she interjected, earning a wince from you. That wasn't exactly reassuring.

"Get in the back." He smirked.

As you all settled into your seats and buckled up, the Ecto roared down the dirt road. The conversation was minimal, polite murmurs amid the anticipation.

"Do you think he'll actually believe we're actually hunting a ghost?" You whispered to Phoebe.

"I hope so, Y/N," She replied softly, nodding.

Podcast fiddled with panels in the car, fidgeting to take his mind off of everything that was happening. In one of the compartments was a ghost trap mounted to the frame of an bulky RC car.

"Okay, so what the hell is going on?" Trevor pressed, looking at you through the rearview mirror.

"In the 1980s, New York City was attacked–" Phoebe started to explain.

"Yeah, no, I know the Manhattan ghost stories." He interrupted.

"Yeah, well, the stories are real." She concluded, switching seats.

"Yeah, and so were the guys, who climbed a building and saved the world and fought back an invading army of the undead. Not to mention, a one hundred foot marshmallow man." Podcast added.

"Our grandfather was Egon Spengler. He was a Ghostbuster." Phoebe took out the emitter, looking over her shoulder at Trevor.

You nodded along, guessing that the swinging lamp and self-powering lights were his doing, the ghost of Egon standing beside you and aiding Phoebe in rebuilding the Proton Pack she was now wearing.

"Makes sense." You finally shrugged.

A crackling came through the air, from the radio. Without warning, a police broadcast shot through the speakers.

"All units, we're getting reports of, well, some kind of animal taking a bite out of Steve Fletcher's truck. Apparently, he almost took the whole tailgate off?" The voice uttered, clearly in disbelief.

"Muncher." Podcast determined.

"Muncher." Phoebe agreed.

"Muncher? Seriously?" You groaned, rubbing your temples. "You could've come up with any name, yet you chose Muncher?"

The Cadillac continued down the road, picking up speed until it started to roll into town. Main Street, where you, Phoebe, and Podcast had hung out for the first time. It was weird to be cruising through this spot again, but now on an active hunt for a ghost.

Paranormal Prodigies (Phoebe Spengler x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now