As Above, Not Below

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3rd Person POV

    On his way home from the attack, Gary Grooberson decided to stop at the local Walmart to pick up some late night snacks. He picked up a small quart of ice cream, scrounging through toppings when he first noticed them. From a nearby marshmallow bag came a miniature,  Stay Puft marshmallow man. What started as a seemingly innocent creature ended up suddenly turning into a foolish hoard of them. Mr. Grooberson eyed up the aisle, watching as the marshmallow men continued to multiply and cause chaos.

    He quickly walked down another part of the store, bumping into a canine-like ghoul around a corner. The beast had its head deep in a bag of dog food. As he tried to step away slowly, a Roomba carrying some of the mini Stay Puft monsters bounced into his foot with a loud thud.

    The beast looked up, pulling its head from the bag. It glared Grooberson with deep red eyes, piercing and filled with wrath. Gary hesitantly looked up at it, locking eyes. He tried to coo to it and appeal to it. The creature growled, causing him to panic and throw his ice cream at it.

He was quick to flee, dashing through the aisles until he bursted through the front doors. As he crossed through the parking lot, the devil-dog was fast approaching, smashing out the glass sliding doors. The chase continued until Gary slammed his car door shut, fumbling for his keys.

The beast leapt onto the hood of the car, eyeing him hungrily. In one quick motion, it lunged at him, silencing his screams.

Regular POV

The Next Day...

    You all decided to meet at Spinner's in the early afternoon to figure out what your plans would be. The sign had been scorched with the proton beam, leaving a deep black scar on it. Before you went inside, you pulled on Phoebe's arm, ushering her to the side.

    Before she had a chance to ask what you wanted, you pulled her in for a warm hug, feeling her gradually melting into it. After a few seconds, you pulled away.

    "Look, I don't know if your mom told you, but I wanted to apologize again. What happened yesterday, it's not your fault. You're an amazing person, you're an awesome friend. You're doing great things, and I for one, am super proud of you." You beamed, flashing a wide smile.

    She looked up at you with wide eyes, clearly caught off guard. She blushed, before wrapping her arms around your waist and squeezing you tight.

    "You're pretty awesome too, Y/N, don't forget about yourself." She quietly squeaked out. "But thank you, I really appreciate it."

    You softly chuckled, running your fingers through her hair.

    "You guys coming?" Podcast called out from around the corner.

    You and Phoebe quickly jumped away from each other, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. You were so ready to tell her how you felt, but alas, this still wasn't the right time. You hopped into the restaurant to join the others, catching a booth. You sat in between Phoebe and Podcast, while Trevor and Lucky sat on the other side. You weren't exactly comfortable with Lucky joining the team, you eyed her judgingly.

"Okay, so what exactly is happening with the map?" Trevor asked as Phoebe carefully unfolded it.

"Do you see the concentric circles around the mountain?" She probed.

    "No..." You and Trevor skeptically shook your heads.

    Phoebe sighed, rolling her eyes.

    "Do you see the circles?"

Paranormal Prodigies (Phoebe Spengler x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now