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As you all arrived at the police department, you were quick to sneak in. Or rather, walk right in, seeing as most of the space had been cleared out as soon as the storm had started growing worse. Lucky did a quick vault and slid over one of the counters, checking on all of the computers and radios, looking for something.

You and Phoebe were quick to file in after. Podcast snuck up behind you, swiping his finger along one of the closest desks. There had been something spilled on it, as he ran his digit across it, before popping it in his mouth.

"They were just here." He ominously warned.

"Did you do that just for comedic effect or what?" You raised an intrigued eyebrow, while Phoebe looked away in disgust.

"I mean, I just thought it was cool–" He began to explain.

"Guys it's still here." Lucky interrupted, ushering you all into the lockup.

As you entered, the Ecto-1 was suspended from a mechanical lift, hanging just above your heads. You ducked under, knowing that they wouldn't have put all of your gear inside the car, they were smarter than that.

"There she is." Lucky remarked with a proud grin.

"There's no way our stuff is still in there though." You sighed defeatedly, wandering the aisles of miscellaneous evidence. "With our luck, they've already taken it apart to use as scrap metal."

You kept wandering while Podcast called out to Phoebe.

"Got anything?"

There was the sound of a heavy box tipping over, followed by the rattling of metal on the floor. She groaned and sighed in response, kicking some of whatever it was.

"No, just more stupid guns." She retorted.

"Hey, if these were zombies or literally anything other than ghosts, those would come in handy." You teased, chuckling. "Hey come look at this!"

You found yourself at the end of one of the aisles, at the end was a sort of cell with all of your gear locked inside. The Ghost Trap, the Proton Pack, even Podcast's goofy Polaroid goggles.

"It's a jail inside a jail." He gushed, stopping right next to you.

"What are you two talking about?" Phoebe asked, turning the corner. She rushed forward, annoyed, "No, no, no, no!"

You all exchanged uncertain looks, as she examined the padlock closer. The look of disdain on her face grew, the mental gears in her head turning. She must've known that there was no way that she'd be able to pick through that deadbolt.

"It's an ANSI Class One electromagnetic deadbolt." She clarified.

"I believe in you." Podcast beamed, while you rested a soft hand on her shoulder with a dopey grin.

"It's unpickable." She shrugged, standing up.

You rubbed your temples, unsure of how to proceed. Sure, you could try and brute-force it open, but that would likely either trigger an alarm, or just simply prove futile. There wasn't anything you as a human could do in that situation except for sit there and watch on. That's when you heard Podcast sigh happily, pressing his face and body up against one of the slats.

"What are you doing?" You and Phoebe deadpanned in unison, watching as one of his arms reached inside, his fingertips getting control of the remote to the RC Trap.

"Don't tell me you're going to let him out." You groaned, frustrated.

"I have a plan!" He exclaimed, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Paranormal Prodigies (Phoebe Spengler x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now