Testing Your Metal

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The Next Day...

Podcast set up some bottles on an old track, likely from a mining vehicle or cart. The location chosen for testing the Proton Pack wasn't exactly ideal–rusted train cars, tall dry grass, and numerous abandoned buildings surrounding you. Despite the setting, there was a strange charm to it.

"Welcome to Rust City," Podcast declared with enthusiasm as he stepped back behind the line of fire.

"It's strange to think I've lived here my whole life and never seen this place," you remarked, eyeing the Proton Pack resting on the ground.

"Is this where they processed all the raw selenium?" Phoebe asked, curious.

"Yeah, I think so," Podcast replied with a shrug, adjusting his peculiar goggles.

"Cool!" Phoebe grinned.

"How did you know how to fix it–" Podcast began, then paused, "I mean, no offense, but you are sixteen."

Together, you helped lift the pack onto Phoebe's shoulders. It was heavier than expected, both of you struggling with the awkward contraption. It felt surreal, really. Just last night, she was fixing it with you, then going back inside and watching YouTube in her bed, and now you were standing here, about to test it out.

"I kind of met my grandfather last night. He showed me what to do." She explained nonchalantly.

Glancing over your shoulder, you instructed Podcast, "You do the honors. I'll stand back just in case things go south."

Fiddling around, Podcast eventually found the switch and flicked it. The machine whirred to life, the red light inside spinning faster and faster. Phoebe reached for the gun, struggling until she finally got a hold of it and flicked a few switches.

"The safety's off," she declared, aiming downrange.

You hesitantly took a few steps forward to catch her, just in case. There was no telling what could happen; the Proton Pack had been sitting in that shed for presumably decades. Podcast stood a few feet to her right, placing his goggles over his eyes and bringing up his microphone.

"Her feet are planted. Her face is poised. Will this be the moment of her death?" he whispered dramatically, "Nobody knows..."

"Let's light it up," you half-heartedly cheered.

Phoebe fired, and a steady stream of protons shot out down the range like a crazy laser beam, frying everything in its path. Cheers erupted from all of you. After a few seconds, she released the trigger, knocking her back into you.

"That is the best thing I've ever seen!" Podcast exclaimed, snapping a Polaroid picture.

"Did I hit it?" Phoebe asked, adjusting her glasses.

"You didn't hit it, you destroyed it! It doesn't even exist anymore!" Podcast shouted excitedly. "My turn!"

A small fire had started, the glasses that Podcast had set up were nothing more than a few broken shards and melted puddles, along with part of the tread track that he had set them on.

As he reached for the emitter, a shrill cry came from one of the abandoned buildings behind you, sending shivers down your spine.

"What the hell?" You exclaimed.

"What was that...?" Phoebe asked, looking around anxiously.

"Probably a pigeon or something, give me the gun–" Podcast began, but the cry came again, sounding angrier this time.

"Okay, what is that?" He froze in his tracks.

"There's only one way to find out," you grumbled, starting to walk towards the nearest building.

Paranormal Prodigies (Phoebe Spengler x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now