How Do I Tell Them?

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The walk home was just ordinary, you sighed deeply, your breath barely visible against the night sky. You let your worries and problems melt away, if only just for a moment. There were plenty of thoughts and ideas running through your head.

"How long will I go without telling her how I feel? What about my parents, they have to be worried sick." The questions rang out in your head. "Am I really falling in love? Of course I am, there's no hiding it..."

Crickets chirped down the dirt and rock road, your feet pressing down with satisfying cracks and crunches. Everything from your previous life seemed so trivial now–the times you spent on the roof, the time you spent kicking back in class twiddling your thumbs. Now what? You were chasing and catching ghosts with your crush and your new second best friend.

"I should've at least let my mom know I was going to jail, it would've at least secured me a ride home. This whole night has been a complete mess." You thought again, rubbing your arms to shield you from the cold.

Before you knew it, you were marching into town. Just the outskirts, around the corner from Spinner's. You'd be home soon, in your own bed, showered–clean again. Warm. Though, there would be a long talk between you and your parents. That would be the worst of it all.

Another ten or so minutes, and there you were. Your front door. Lights were still on downstairs, you didn't even know what time it was. You hesitantly reached out, putting your hand on the handle, gradually squeaking the door open.

You took your shoes off, leaving them on a rug in front of the entry. The whole house smelled of lavender and lemons. You tried your best to be quiet, tiptoeing down the hall after clicking the door shut behind you.

"And just where the hell have you been?" Your dad grumbled, not even looking up from his leather chair.

"I... uh–" You stammered, trying to crank out a sentence– "I've been seeing some friends, we went driving around."

"You didn't think to check your phone? It's almost eleven, it's late as hell. Your mother and I were worried sick. You also reek, I can smell you from here," He continued, standing up, stretching out his back.

"I'm sorry dad. It won't happen again," You muttered, your eyes cast downward, hoping to avoid further scrutiny.

He sighed heavily, running a hand through his graying hair.

"You always say that, but here we are. Again."

You bit your lip, the weight of the night's events pressed heavily on your shoulders. It wasn't even just the night, the whole week. It was like a rollercoaster of mixed emotion and wild nights.

"I-I know. I just lost track of time!" You continued, "This whole night has been... weird."

"Lost track of time?" Your dad shook his head in disbelief. "And the smell? It's like burned rubber and dust. Did you go up to the mine again? We told you to stay away from there. Nothing good ever happens when anyone goes there. Usually it's another batch of troublemakers getting drunk and shooting cans."

You winced at his accusation, knowing that the truth was far stranger and harder to explain. "No, Dad. I promise, I wasn't drinking or anything. It's just... it's complicated.

He narrowed his eyes, meticulously watching your every movement.

"'Complicated' isn't much of an explanation, Y/N. You didn't think we were worried about you? Your mother has been pacing and trying to call you all night." He sighed, scratching his beard.

"I'm sorry," You repeated, feeling the guilt gnaw at your insides. "Look, if I tell you what happened, you have to promise me you won't tell a single soul."

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