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Late to bed, early to rise. That was life now as it has always been; disciplined.
Or at least, ever since i awoke in this world... which was just over a year ago.

To be concise; I'm from another world, or maybe even realm? I question my origin, as does the World Government (W.G.).
To find a person like me is alien here.
Yet here, in this world, there are aliens.

Humans that can grow to around 8 feet in height. As well as literal giants existing; humanoid beings so large an average person can sit comfortably in their hand. and a giants lifespan? 300 years.
And the fishmen... I am still not used to.

Where I am from, these don't exist.
In stories, yes. But reality? No.

There are no human mammal mutations or fish people or giants. A person cannot turn into an animal. Dragons don't exist. Humans cannot use elemental powers.

But they *do* here...

It's not straight forward to define my origin.
I can clarify that things like fishmen, giants and dragons are nothing more than fables from where I'm from. But details escape me like trying to capture water with a strainer.
I can remember wisps. But nothing more.

For example. Here, in this world, people use a transponder snail called a "Den Den Mushi" for communication. There are a variety of these for specific functions... and they are indeed snails. My foreign brain can't understand how they work.
However, where I came from, there is no such thing. We used some sort of technology. They were small and portable like the DDM... but they weren't alive. They weren't snails.
I can't think of what they even looked like. But I know we had them. Some sort of item we could talk to people with via long distance.
Little things like that.

So as to *why* the W.G. had an interest in me... imagine some young lady spouting nonsense about magic items for communication instead of their beloved snails...or humans can't grow to 8 feet in height... or that Fishmen can't be real... that last one caught the marines attention pretty fast. There's a whole history with the Fishmen and Merfolk of this world I obviously wasn't aware of, and I seemed to have crossed some lines with my comments.

From there my story rocketed up the government pipeline. Some average person claiming to wake up in this world, to be from somewhere else. The higher ups were curious since I was indeed different.

My attire was one point towards proving my story.
MAMBO was written across my shirt and on the tag that indicated the maker. What it means, I don't know. But for the largest intelligence body in this world to not know either, in tie with myself having no records to prove my identity, it prompted them to look into my case.

I was first treated like I was crazy, but that progressed into... fear? Were they scared I was right, that I'm not from this world?

After speaking with specialists to prove I wasn't faking my fears of the 'unique peoples' of this world... they confirmed that my reaction to those such as Fishmen, Skypians, Minks and what's called 'power users'... were authentic reactions. My reactions to new experiences are pure. Which gives cause to my claims of being not of this world.

And probably what confused my keepers the most, was my invulnerability to what they call "Haki".
This, was a mere fluke. Just a freak situation I happened to wind up in, but it further proved my self different from the average Joe.

Taking a ship to a different facility, we passed an enemy ship of pirates. Pirates where I'm from were stories. People didn't really sail the seas in search of treasure as a life choice.
But here...

Some of the biggest influencers are pirates. I've come to find that pirates aren't black and white. There are shades of them with all different values. But the biggest and meanest tend to be at the top it seems.

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