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I awoke rather peacefully...
until I rolled over and spied Lucci sitting in his chair.

The window curtains were open, providing little morning light for his book.

I'd thought he left me to actually sleep...but he snuck back in.
I felt betrayed.

I sat up. "Where'd you go before?"

"Out." He replied, not looking up from the pages.
Out where?

I pouted slightly. I gathered up some clothes to change into and left for the bathroom.

I showered and changed, still annoyed Lucci had tricked me like that.
How manipulative. Making me think he'd grant my request of privacy, only to sneak in when I was fast asleep.
How long had he been there?

I should have asked. But, maybe it was better I didn't know.

Refreshed I joined Lucci back in our room.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked.

"We're staying here, waiting for any movement from Morgan's. He flits around but he'll return for the men he left behind." Lucci answered. He closed his book and uncrossed his legs. "About last night.." He started.

Oh! He was going to own up to his sneaky behaviour.
Apologise maybe?

"I won't change in the men's bathroom, so always knock here." He continued.
Oh...*That*. I cringed a little at my fumble last night. "You seemed to have slept well, you didn't stir at all." The slightest smirk on his lips.

That last part broke me.

I get it now.

What a bastard.

I caught him during a vulnerable moment so he wanted to make me feel the same. An eye for an eye.

Smart move.

A little annoyed now I packed up my bag and made the bed.

I snatched my coin purse and announced I was going to breakfast.
Lucci didn't stop me, barely acknowledged me, so I left.

The town was not bright and happy like it was yesterday.

A few people here and there cuddled together whispering. Those walking around looked scared.
A few stores were closed.

My smile faded as I looked around.

I dared to ask a passerby what was going on.

"Oh dear, they found a body at the docks last night." The lady said, quite distraught about it. "He..he didn't drown, poor Sammy. He was killed. Shot." Her voice broke slightly.

The man Lucci had killed was called Sammy. He was a local. Well known.

I have my condolences and moved on, going back to the shabby restaurant across town.

Maybe I could pick up some more info.

I sat at the same booth Lucci and I had occupied last night.

The room was dreary. You could feel the sadness in the air.

The same waitress from before strutted over to me. "No boyfriend today? You guys split?" She said with a slight smirk.

"No." I said, but added. "I'm pretty hungry after last night, he's still fast asleep..." I trailed off.

The waitress scowled.

"Any cereal with fruit pieces would be good." I said.

The waitress made a note of it and walked off.

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