Lucci Has Changed?

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  It was quick, and gentle. He did so while no marines were about on deck.

  Just the two of us.

  He stepped back slightly straightening his posture again and peered down at me, dropping his hand from my face. He'd had to hunch over a little to kiss me.

That's a 6feet11inches tall man for you.

  What do I say? What *can* I say?

  "So, you're aware we aren't in a casino right now yes?" I decided to play it cool.

  "Yes, I am well aware." He said smoothly.

He's not acting.

"Oh?" I tilted my head to the side inquisitively, a smile crept onto my lips.

  Lucci wasn't an expressive person. He didn't really react too much unless in a situation like fighting. He always kept his composure.

  He could be egotistical, sadistic, violent and angry. But kinder emotions escaped him.

'He's changed.' I remembered Kaku's words again.

Maybe. Just maybe.

  He looked at me in a rather pleasant way, no narrowed eyes of judgement. He seemed relaxed.

  Marines spoiled the moment by appearing on deck.

  I inched away from Lucci to create more space so we didn't look so suspicious.

  One marine marched over to us. "Lucci, sir! Miss Aria! We are making record time so we will dock during the night instead of tomorrow." He informed us.

  Lucci just blinked at him.
"Thanks." I said, indicating he could go do something else now.

  Collecting my belongings from the medical room and disappearing into what was assigned mine on the ship, I went through my bag.

  My notebook that I doodled in was there, Lucci didn't forget to take it when he was hurrying around my hotel room collecting my things for me.

Oh. It was open on *that* page again.

  I'd closed it, but it was open on the drawing I'd done of Lucci...

  Did he really take another gander at it?

I felt embarrassed again.

  It wasn't bad art, I *can* draw. It's just the subject...

Half naked Lucci.


He'd kissed me earlier unwarranted. Why? What does this mean?

  Surely not the borderline sociopathic weapon of the World Government isn't interested me?

Could Lucci be capable of such feelings?

'He's changed'. Kaku's words.

I was starting to believe him more and more.

  It wasn't so much the things Lucci did, but rather what he didn't.

  He didn't scowl or look down at me with judging eyes anymore. I wasn't ignored anymore. He didn't react to my drawing of him. He didn't leave me to die.

  And now...a kiss?

What next?

  Do I say nothing and let this happen or do I put everything on the table?

  Should I get him alone and try to talk to him?

  I couldn't ignore my feelings for Lucci.
  He is an incredibly handsome man, it's just that his personality and demeanour keeps the girls away.
  Not that he advertises himself to them. But the killer look in his eyes is enough to keep people away.

  I don't know what kind of man Lucci is when it comes to relationships and intimacy in the long run. That aspect of life is pretty reserved with agents. We, and particularly agents like him, focus on the task at hand and then that's it.
  Few agents actually delve into aspects of life such as hobbies and romance.
  Jabra is the only one of note I can recall to do this, as he's complained here and there when getting rejected by girls.

But Lucci?

Has he ever even been with women?

I blushed slightly.

I shouldn't be thinking of Lucci's virginity...

  In reality I did feel for him. If he wasn't raised by the World Government he could have been so much more...human? Maybe romantic. The strong silent type?

  Does he actually struggle to convey emotions or is it just something he chooses not to do because of his upbringing and position?

  He's starting to be somewhat open with me.

But I need to be careful.

I can't ruin this.

  We docked during the night and settled back in, giving our reports before we could turn in for the night, or what was now early morning.

  Drained and still a little sore, I shuffled down the corridors to my room. Lucci's door was always shut, but I could never tell if he was in there or not.

  I've never seen inside his room. But that was about to change...

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