Red Dress

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  An abrupt knock at my door woke me up.
My eyes slightly blurry, I reached for the lamp to turn it on. There was no window in this room for light.

I checked the time.


Oh I've slept in a fair bit. I should have stayed up when I awoke and went to the bathroom before.

I grabbed the last fresh clothes I had and peeked out my door.

No Lucci.

I ducked into the bathroom to shower and groom myself as hastily as I could since I'd slept in late.

Refreshed and looking pretty good, I darted across the hallway into my room to bag my used clothes.

Today I'd shop for some new ones. I grabbed my purse and found Lucci sitting in the lounge area.

He wore a loose fitting white dress shirt, the top 2 buttons undone to reveal his chest. His blank pants were tight.

Was he still mad? What was that even about?

Before I could even decide if I should say something like 'Good morning' to him, Lucci spoke up.

"Are you going out now?" He didn't bother looking up from some papers he was going through. Documents maybe.

"Well, I guess. For breakfast and shopping. Unless you have plans for me to do something else?" I asked.

"I don't care what you do." He said in a matter of fact tone.

"Okay, but then why ask if I'm going out?" I said being a smart ass. This may have been a mistake.

Lucci raised an arched brow as his narrowed steel eyes darted up at me.

His expression said it all. I'd made a bad move there.

"Sorry." I dropped my gaze to the floor hoping an apology would correct my error.

"I personally don't care what you do. However, the World Government *does*". With a blink that was almost an eye roll, he was back to viewing his papers.

My queue to leave.

In the lobby I ran into a familiar face. The smaller man from last night this was playing cards. "Hello sweetheart, where's Robert?"

I turned to the seedy looking man with a smile. "Oh Robby isn't interested in shopping. I take too long he says." I laughed like a clueless girl.

"Robert might be smart there haha! I'll catch you tonight then." The seedy man winked and walked off.

It felt weird having people refer to Lucci as Robert.

Robert was a quiet but well distinguished man in a somewhat casual manner who enjoyed cards.

Lucci was a killer.

Shopping was uneventful, I'd picked up some good bargains and gotten myself a light late breakfast to do. There were too many shop fronts and stores to explore, I could only choose the most interesting names and hope the inside was as good as the outside displayed.

There was a sexy red dress on sale that went just above the knees. Nothing too provocative or scandalous but sexy one the less, my size. I contemplated getting it.

What occasion would I wear it for?



I bought the dress.

I hadn't realised I was gone for so long. It was only when the city hall clock tower struck 12 and the bell rung out, did I see how far I strayed from the hotel.

Retracing my steps, I made my way back to the hotel, finding Stussy and Kaku walking out the door.

"Oh there you are! Gee if you waited we could have gone to lunch." Kaku greeted me. We moved into the hotel hallway.

"Oh sorry I didn't realise you were arriving for lunch." I said, a little sad I missed out on talking to my friend.

"Don't worry." Stussy giggled, eyeing my bags. "It looked like Aria was busy preparing."

Skilfully in a graceful movement, Stussy plucked the red dress from its bag, holding it out in front of us.

"Well, Lucci will be a lucky man tonight indeed." She giggled.

"It's not *for* Lucci. You expect him to wear a dress?" I snatched the clothing back from Stussy and tried to downplay her jab.

"No, *you* bought it, it's for *you* to wear. Red is such a seductive color. But is it meant for Lucci? Yes. I think you bought it with him in mind." Stussy crossed her arms with confidence.

I scowled at her. "It's not like that. It's just a dress."

"It won't last long on you when you're alone with Lucci..." Stussy teased.

"Ladies, ladies." Kaku put his hands up and got between us, trying to move Stussy on.

"Remember to come back earlier tomorrow!" Kaku said to me while leading Stussy away, who gave a small wave.

I turned to see Lucci standing in the doorway.

I'd hoped he hadn't heard all of that...

He turned and went back inside our room, leaving the door open for me. I followed him in but went straight for my room to unpack my new clothes.

In the lounge area, Lucci sat with a book.

"I ran into one of the card players this morning, he's inclined to play again tonight." I informed Lucci.

"Good. Tobias should be there also." Lucci responded in a nonchalant manner, then became a little more serious. "You understand the role you're playing don't you?"

I wasn't sure what he meant, but I said "Yes." And that was it. He said nothing more.

The rest of the day was uneventful, I found the laundry mat and washed my clothes. Out of kindness, I asked Lucci if he'd like me to wash his too, he declined. He'd already been there while I was out.
Maybe he was lying.
I couldn't imagine such a professional man like Lucci washing clothes, even if they were his own.
Maybe he declined because he thought I'd steal his underwear? He already knows I draw him half naked...

I deflated a bit at that thought. I hoped he didn't think I was some creep or giddy girl with a crush.

Night came and we dressed for our undercover operation.

As I walked out my bedroom door, Lucci stood in his doorway and caught my attention. "Don't wear that." He said, eyeing my ankle length blue dress. "Wear the new red one."

I blushed as I went back into my room and closed the door.

I reemerged in the spicy outfit and found Lucci waiting in the lounge area. My body was smooth, my hair styled and I wore an expensive looking necklace with matching bracelet. My high heels didn't really match but it wasn't that noticeable.

His eyes washed over me as I approached him. It was like he was making the most out of this moment.

"Good. Let's go." He led me out the door and to our new routine.

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