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  I awoke to deep grey eyes pouring into mine. Lucci's brows furrowed, he looked down at me with concern.

  I felt groggy.

  "Are you feeling well? It took a while to wake you." His voice was low, serious. He stood over me, already dressed for the day.

  "Yes I'm fine, just trapped in a dream is all." I lied. I still felt like I was elsewhere.

  Lucci accepted this. "You'll need to get ready swiftly, or else you'll be late." He urged me to get out of bed.

  With a sigh I stretched and went straight to my bathroom to shower to perk myself up. The cold water made me alert.
  Water poured over me sparking my system, waking me up. A knock on the door moments later. "We need to arrive at the dock in 10 minutes."

  A little annoyed at the restricted time, I hastily cleaned and dried myself. Bursting back into the room straight to my closet to fetch my clothes, Lucci waited by the door pretending not to watch.

  My heart racing slightly, my hair somewhat damp, I paused behind Lucci as he opened the door for me. He moved to pass through but paused, turning to me. "I understand these kind of assignments aren't your forte; just leave it to Kaku and myself. Especially with your condition these past few months, I wouldn't trust your body not to betray you again. Stay low." Lucci ordered me. He kissed the top of my head and moved on.

  "Alright". I signed. He just wanted me to watch it seems.

  At the dock, Kaku was waiting and greeted us. This trip would take 2 nights of sailing.

  As night fell and the ship was more quiet, I dared to slip out of my room and into Lucci's.

  There he sat at a little desk set up at the side of the room, writing under the light of a dull lamp.

  He barely stirred as I closed the door behind me; concentrating on his work.

  "The day is over, no need to work this late now." I greeted him in a soft manner.

  He was dressed in white trousers and the white undershirt of the CP0 uniform the men wore. I never understood how they didn't overheat in so many layers. The undershirt long sleeve, the formal long sleeve and then the coat Lucci normally draped around his shoulders rather than wear. Too much clothing.

  His hair had spilled around his face as he looked down over his papers, he made the effort to tuck strands behind his ears as he looked up at me.

  "Were you seen?" Was all he asked.

  "No." I answered.

  It was quite late, coming midnight. Kaku had inhaled the after dinner drinks and passed out early. Bad of him to let loose on a mission, even if we were only travelling at this point in time.

  After reading for some time I came to Lucci's room because...I didn't want to sleep alone.
I didn't want to break our routine.

  I stood behind him and ran my fingers through his hair, peering over his broad shoulders. "Is this something you need to complete urgently?"

  "No." He answered nonchalantly. "I just like to be ahead of schedule."

  He set his pen down, tilting his head back, giving me his full attention.

  I responded by kissing him as I stood behind him, sliding my hands under his shirt and down his chest.

  I nuzzled my face into his hair, so soft and scented.

  He seemed to relax, and lean back into my embrace.

  I kissed his cheek. "Are you going to sleep soon?"

  Lucci responded by reaching around and grabbing me, pulling me into his lap and returning my kiss.

  I almost giggled.

  He was always so formal on missions, but we *were* alone for the night. I was a little surprised at his promiscuous behaviour but I ate it up none the less.

  His strong arms around me, I shifted so my lips could find his.

  We kissed each other with urgency, hands grabbing and feeling, lost in each other, in the moment.

  I shifted my position so I was now straddling him, I could *feel* him through the cotton fabrics that separated us. I could feel how ready he was.

  We didn't bother tearing our clothes apart.
  I felt a warm hand leave my body as Lucci undid his pants.
  Knowing what was to come, I shifted back, giving him the space he needed to free his monster from its restraints.

  Bracing myself on his shoulders, lifting myself up, I ran one hand down his side and then came across, feeling  what I was blindly searching for as my tongue met Lucci's.

  Guiding him in was a struggle. It always was in this position. It was easier for him to be on top so he could manoeuvre himself how he pleased.
Lucci's stature was large; an almost 7ft man of muscle, who carried a large package to match. My body always responded well to him though, I was wet enough there wasn't much resistance other than obvious size.
  Sinking down onto him, pivoting slightly here and there to take in a little more, and a little more. It was hard to concentrate on doing this smoothly while his fingers found hiding places under my clothes and I bit his neck.
He was worked up now.
His breaths were deep and rugged.
  I couldn't meet his base without hurting myself, so I began working my hips. Squeezing him slightly as I came up, loosening myself as I went back down.
  My lips on his jawline, I heard him moan, his voice told me all about his desire, and how much he was enjoying this.

  Our lips met and I tasted that desire, my tongue tangled with his. My fingers twisting in his hair as I kept our lips locked together.
  I barely noticed what his hands were doing, I was focused on the warmth between my legs and how filling it was.

  He gripped me tighter, I hastened my pace.

  I threw my head back and his teeth found my neck. His hot breath sent tingles all over.

  A hand slid under my clothes and teased my breast.

  "Lucci..." I moaned, almost at my peak.



*I... didn't say that.*

"Whoa Lucci! And...What!"

  Lucci and I were pulled from our world of pleasure back into reality, and our eyes landed on Kaku who stood in the doorway.
  He looked like he'd seen a ghost.

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