Chapter 4

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The sports festival was in one day and everyone in the class was non stop stressed. The students would be working out constantly trying to gain as much strength as possible to make sure they wouldn't have to rely fully on their quirks. Everyone had watched the previous sports festivals and they all knew that were to expect the unexpected; the sports festival was completely random, it always started with a race but after that it was a choice made by a wheel. Screams of pain and stress could be heard from miles away as their professors told them how important it was to be the best to ensure that you could get scouted by a pro for a possible internship. Everyone was focussed.

Except for Kirishima, the only thought going through his mind were the events of the changing room from last week. He hadn't stopped thinking about it since then. The boy understood that it was wrong, that nothing had happened and that it was just late and Bakugo was just helping a friend out. He also understood that he was very dehydrated at the time due to all the water being evaporated out of him due to the heat of the explosions, this probably caused him to hallucinate how close the boy really was and how slow everything happened.

Throughout the week he caught himself staring at Bakugo almost every twenty minutes, no matter how much he tried, he couldn't stop. The red head realised how obvious it was when his friends began to ask him about it, he had explained what had happened in the changing rooms and he was just trying to find a way to thank him for his help without getting his face exploded. The others laughed and just agreed, unknowing how Kirishima just lied to their faces. Since they asked and got their answers, they had stopped noticing and Kirishima had been careful to not stare too much and instead kept himself preoccupied with training. 

Damn I'm lucky bro, Bakugo is book smart but nothing else smart. I swear my eyes have been locked on him but at least he didn't notice. I don't know why but it feels like I no longer have control over my eyes, and my heart goes crazy when he's around and I'm pretty sure I flatline whenever he touches my shoulder, even if it is to throw me off of his desk in the morning. Mina wouldn't understand any of this if I spoke to her about it, she would just blame it on a crush. This means I have no one, maybe Kaminari, but I still don't know him all that well. This sucks!!!!!

"Hey Kiri, we saved you a spot, come sit!" Squealed a high pitched excited voice. The group all scooted over to let Kirishima in, even Bakugo joined in by moving a little over to make space. They all started talking about how excited they were to be on TV (except for Bakugo, he just sat there with a miserable face like always). "So, instead of talking about this for an entire century. What are you guys doing this weekend?" 

"I'll probably take some time to rest, I doubt I'll be feeling too great after the sports festival. And I'm guessing Present Mic will give us plenty of English homework." The tape armed boy answered. Sero wasn't one to be fussed on homework but he was right about taking time to rest. Everyone was ready to risk their lives to win.

A small flicker of electricity shot up as Kaminari levitated off of his seat from the vast amount of excitement that he had felt. "Are you insisting that we all hang out as a group, minus Sero of course cus he doesn't know how to have fun anymore. C'mon man, you gotta come with us!" He leant over towards Sero and gave him a little shock, "I won't charge your phone when you forget to anymore, I mean it."

The group all agreed to meet up in the end, except for Bakugo. He exclaimed how he had a family event that he couldn't miss and that he would be exhausted after winning the sports festival, the group screamed at him to shut up with his cockiness and that he might not win, except for Kirishima, he stayed quiet and laughed in his mind as Bakugo made little explosions targeted at his friends' face whilst he made sure that they apologised for not having faith in him winning. Kirishima knew that Bakugo wanted to win more than probably anyone in the entirety of UA, and even then he wasn't sure if he would be able to beat certain people, but he was sure in his heart that Bakugo had a fighting chance and was excited to hopefully go up against his friend. Not for fun, but because he knew all of the spiky blondes weaknesses and exactly how to beat him.

The bell went and the plans were all set to go to the mall and then have a sleepover at Kaminari's, this sudden plan was so that they could play mario kart and get to know each other with games like 21 questions and truth or dare, everyone was scared that some of their secrets would be exposed but were sure that most of it would just be stupid questions to try and get a laugh out of everyone. 

They all sat down ready to endure a painful two hours of English whilst Present Mic screamed at anyone who fell asleep, this did end with Aizawa being awoken from his nap and the two teachers having a screaming match in the hallway about how this is the only time Aizawa has to sleep due to "private events at home" or so he called it, but the entire class knew what he meant and silently chuckled when Present Mic walked in completely red in the face. This laughter really helped the class to relax before the end of the day, and with a big surprise, no homework was set for the class. Most likely due to the mortification their teacher had endured.

Authors area~

So, I'm still doing this little space. I like it, i can tell you my thoughts. This was the 4th chapter, which I think is absolutely insane!!!!!! It feels like so much more in my head, which makes sense seeing as i write 1000+ words each chapter (except 1). The next chapter for a little preview will be about the events after the sports festival and when they are all in town together. Things are about to be exposed. And it will be a very long chapter, it includes kirishimas pining over bakugo, going to town, the sleepover. but each of those things have a lot of drama within and I am not looking forward to writing the final draft of it.

Anyways, thanks so much for reading, please leave votes and comments and have a most fantabulous day!!

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