Chapter 7

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The weekend had passed almost as quick as Kaminari's fight against Shiozaki. Kirishima, unexpectedly, was the first to get into the classroom. Quickly followed by a grumpy looking blonde boy. The energetic red head walked over to him, nervous that Bakugo would tell him more about this crush of whom he heard about from Sero.

Bakugo looked at him, with not hate or anger but just his normal look of not wanting to be in the moment. "What d'you want Shitty Hair?" 

Kirishima looked at him, trying his hardest not to gaze too much at the blondes features but still in a state of awe as Bakugo's red eyes shimmered from the early morning sunrise. "Nothing much, just thought I'd come and say hi to my best friend!" The red head exclaimed, not wanting to sound too excited to be talking to Bakugo.

"Tch, whatever Shitty Hair." The tired blonde let out a sigh, "You have something on your mind, either spit it out or leave me alone." He said, Kirishima thought it was interesting how Bakugo could tell from a few minutes worth of conversation that Kirishima wanted to say something. He didn't even want to say it, but he just needed to know the truth.

Building up the courage to speak, the horned red head sat on Bakugo's desk, somewhat surprised he hadn't been immediately pushed off. "During the sleepover, Sero got a text from Midoriya asking if he, or any of us, knew who you had a crush on," He said, starting to ramble on, "apparently he noticed that you were being gentle with your power or something like that and he thinks that's because you like someone. And I don't expect you to tell me who it is or even if it's true, I just thought I'd ask about it, y'know, just incase you wanted to talk about it or something cus that's what friends are for after all!" He muttered out. 

Bakugo just stared at him blankly, like he hadn't even taken in any of the words the boy sitting in front of him had even said. Kirishima looked noticeably scared and nervous and Bakugo could see that, not that he cared much but he didn't want any miscommunication. "I've never told anyone this before, but, for fuck sake. I might as well tell you since your my fucking friend or whatever, but, yeah I do like someone. You fucking tell and I will kill you. Because it isn't a fucking girl or what ever."

Kirishima stared at him, confused but intrigued. "What are you saying then?"

A look of anger developed in the blondes' face, "Don't tell me your as dense as fucking dunce face, I'm fucking gay Shitty Hair." He said looking down. 

Bakugo shoed the red head away with his hand as Iida and Uraraka walked in, Kirishima left him and allowed Bakugo to have some space before he would have to put on his bitch face again. Kirishima could tell that this was the most vulnerable state that Bakugo had ever let himself be in, and the red head felt lucky that it was with him. Although, he still longed to know who this male crush of Bakugo's was.

Mina, Kaminari and Sero all walked in together and crowded around Kirishima's desk. "Woah dude, why does Bakugo look like he just found out Midoriya was the chosen one. This is a new level of Bakugo pissed off face!" Sero said staring in Bakugo's direction, the spiky blonde boy noticed this and sent an explosion towards the group, barely missing Kirishima but going straight into the others' faces. "What the hell dude!"

"Yeah, you almost killed us man! I thought we were friends!" Kaminari yelled, wiping the burnt hairs off of his face.

"We aren't friends piss for brains!" Bakugo shouted. The entire class stared at him, Midoriya walked into the class and Iida ran to him knowing that Bakugo might try and kill him if he went over and sat at his desk which was in front of Bakugo's. Kaminari turned back to the group and just laughed it off, he wasn't hurt emotionally by this because he knew Bakugo cared about him deep down somewhere in his very strange heart.

The group looked at Kirishima who was unmarked by the blast, they noticed when it came towards them that he didn't even need to dodge. It was like Bakugo planned it that way, but Kirishima was too wrapped up in his own self loathing to realise this. "Kiri! You're so lucky! Ugh, Bakugo must really like your guys' friendship if he wouldn't hurt you!" Mina said.

Kirishima just shrugged it off and Aizawa walked into the classroom, the school day lasted for what seemed like forever. But after the final bell had gone, everyone had left except for Kirishima (who was taking an extremely long time stuffing his things into his unorganised bag) and Bakugo who waited patiently, staring at the red head struggle. "Y'know, if you organised your bag better, your stuff would fit more easily. It's not that difficult dumbass."

Kirishima jumped, not realising anyone else was in the room, "Well, if it's so easy, then why don't you do it for me?" He said, trying to get out of having to do it himself. Bakugo walked over, put his hands on Kirishima's chest and pushed him to the side to start organising the bag. "Wow, thanks Bakubro." He exclaimed, waiting a few second before carrying on. "I'm really happy you told me about your sexuality, if you wanted to talk about your crush we could, I think I'd be a pretty good wingman!"

"I don't need you as my wingman Shitty Hair, but thanks. I don't think this guy likes guys anyways. I think he has a girlfriend or crush on this girl." Bakugo said, not in his normal tone.

"Any guy would turn gay for you, you are probably the hottest boy in our school, and I can say that as a fellow gay!" Kirishima said proudly, hitting his chest with a fist.

Bakugo turned away from the bag, and stared at Kirishima. His face was red.

Authors area~

Heyo, sorry for the wait. I've been really busy this week, but I have lots of ideas. This chapter was kinda slow and was mainly conversation but it is really important for the next chapter which should come out this weekend! Or maybe even tomorrow, we'll have to wait and see!

Anywaysssssssss, thank you so so much for reading and i hope you have the most fantabulous day! Byeeeeeeee

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