Chapter 22

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*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Will someone fucking answer the phone!" Bakugo yelled, half asleep as he leant on his arms. "Don't tell me that you are fucking sleeping through this babe?" He sneered at his fast asleep lover. After last night, Kirishima could sleep through anything.

"Hello, who the fuck is this? [...] Yeah, thats me. It is fucking 6am, this better good! [...] Right, [...] I'll wake him up but I fucking swear to God, if this is just another fucking suicide attempt I will make sure that the next one will be you!" And he hung up the phone. Gently, Bakugo nudged awake the peacefuly sleeping boy next to him. His eyes fluttered open to the cold light and quickly shut close again.

A small humph fell from the red heads mouth as he dreaded being awoken after such a cardio filled night. "What time is it?" He said, still barely awake.

"6 in the fucking morning. Some villain has destroyed a village, Deku's gone fucking missing and this villains calling for us. Get dressed quick!" Bakugo said as he pulled up his pants and grabbed his hero suit from the wardrobe. Kirishima quickly followed, they both went downstairs, grabbed some coffee and started on a plan.

Kirishima grabbed the glass whiteboard and they began, "Ok, so they entered the village at roughly ten pm and the attack started two hours later. Deku's gone missing, hasn't been seen since last month. This villain has destroyed an entire village, so super strength possibly?"

Bakugo grabbed another pen, "Witness reports say the villain looked like one of those fucking LOV Nomu things.. if this is a nomu and has super strength and speed. I hate to even think this but could it be... him?" He said, the thought of it made his spine shiver in fear.

Neither of the boys said anything as the thought waved both of their minds and if it were true, well frankly, that's terrifying.

A deep breath in and they needed to carry on. "Either way, this bitch needs to stop. We'll go in, I'll distract him with my explosions and try and blind him. Then, you'll go in the close proximity attacks. Try and make it bleed, see if it has hyper healing. If so, then we are screwed. We'll make a plan then though, if it happens." Bakugo continued. If it were a Nomu like they thought then they would have close to zero chance of defeating it without Todoroki or Endeavour.

"Shall we go beat some ass Dynamite?"

"Let's fucking go Red Riot!"

Rubble and smoke is all that's left of the village. Nothing more, nothing less. The villain took everything, everyone who isn't dead has evacuated. No one is around. Not for miles.

Finally, the villain showed himself and ofcourse, it's a Nomu. Green and strong. Their worst fears may be coming true and no one is around to save them. Bakugo entered the field first, staring the beast in the somewhat familliar eye. A small part of him didn't want to fight but the rest of him knew that he had too. The first warning shot was set off. A large blast of smoke covered the land after a few more. Now it was up to Kirishima to see how hard this fight would be.

One hit after the other. "I can't see if he's healing!" It's too smokey!" Kirishima yelled trying to make his way out, only to be pummled in the back by the creature. "Augh!" He screamed as he landed on the hard rubbled floor. Footsteps coming closer. Was this the end for him?

Another set of footsteps came running closer too. "Fuck Off Asshole!" Bakugo screamed as he fired many shots into the Nomu's back. Jumping in to save his boyfriend from being killed and rushing the both of them to a safe place.

"Definitely hyper healing and definetly him.." Kirishima said to Bakugo as he caught his breath back.

"The fuck are we gonna do? He'll kill us instantly if we go back together." Bakugo said as he massaged Kirishima's shoulders. "I love you, will you marry me? When we get out of here of course.""

Kirishima looked at him, puzzled and a little ammused. "You have the worst timing, but yes. I'll marry you! Promise you'll live, for me!"

"I promise Shitty Hair."

They just stared at each other lovingly. The beast getting closer and closer as he starts to smell their whereabouts. "I know what to do but you have to promise not to follow me. No matter what happens." Kirishima nodded. "If we can't get close, then we go far. I'll attack him with as big as possible explosions. If I can fly at the same time, that means he won't catch me. When it gets weaker and far away, run as fast as you can to the nearest place with signal and get reinforcement. I won't be able to hold him off forever, it's Deku after all, he probably just wants a bit of revenge."

And as if nothing was just said, Bakugo was already off. Blasts and smoke filled the surroundings. Barely able to see your next step. Kirishima observed as the blasts slowly got further and further away and smaller and smaller. This isn't an easy fight, even for the best of the best. After all, it was the man who possessed One For All.

Worried, Kirishima watched from afar, not yet had there been a chance to move. The blasts getting smaller and smaller whilst still incredibly close to where they started. Perhaps this is just a move to preserve stamina.

"Comeon babe, fight for me!"

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