Chapter 6

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A look of horror filled the room, the boys couldn't tell if Kirishima was joking or not, but the look on his face said it all. Mina was trying to figure out why her childhood best friend hadn't told her about his gayness and Kirishima was trying to figure out if he had just made the worlds biggest mistake. He didn't know how these friends of his would react, he had only known them for a month. 

Everyone was overcome with the silence, longing to break it. Kirishima was the first to be brave enough to. "So, are you guys just going to forget what I said or are you going to bombard me with questions?" He questioned, he knew his friends were curious and he was just trying to ease them into it. Mina still looked disappointed, not mad or disapproving, but disappointed in the sense that she felt betrayed.

"So how long have you known you were gay or bi or whatever you are?" Mina asked, everyone could hear how hurt she was. Sero wrapped his arm around her shoulder to comfort her and everyone stared at Kirishima awaiting his response.

He looked around, he saw comforting looks, supportive looks. "I actually don't know what I am, I guess gay, I've never liked girls in that way. I didn't know until today actually, not until you mentioned it was a crush Mina. I was going to tell you eventually but I still don't really know who I am and I wanted to figure that out before I mixed you all up in my problems." He said, he realised he had just found out a bunch of things about himself that he hadn't known in the past. It explained why he never fancied any girls or why he was never bothered by the girls whenever Mineta would pull a "prank" to make their costumes malfunction. He just didn't care for it, it also explained why he could never take his eyes off of Bakugo when in the changing rooms, or in the swimming pool, or really just anywhere at this point.

Kaminari hadn't said anything at this point, nor had Sero but he had nodded in support for the nervous red head. Kaminari was just blank. Everyone stared at him waiting for him to butt in, the yellow haired boy couldn't shut up, ever. Even during lessons you could hear him muttering away in the corner with Jirou. Eventually the electric boy noticed the groups stares and finally had something to say. "Hey dude, I completely support you. I'm bi too y'know dude, so I guess I can help you get a boyfriend and you can do the same for me too one day. But, if you don't like girls, then which of the boys do you have a crush on?" Kaminari said. This was the first time he had said anything remotely intelligent or normal. No one expected his coming out but they all shared a massive group hug until eyebrows were raised. A collective question asking the red boy who his crush was.

he looked around, feeling the blush coming to his face. He didn't want to tell them about Bakugo and was praying silently for something to distract them from this. And his prayers were answered.

"Woah man, Midoriya just messaged me, he's asking if I know who Bakugo's crush is!" Sero butted in. 

Kirishima's heart fell heavy in his chest, slowly cracking and just about ready to break. He knew he couldn't cry or else everyone would figure out his secret. The group looked to him and collectively asked, "Is this what you guys spoke about in the room earlier, it must've been. Who is it Kiri!" Kirishima just shrugged and everyone rolled their eyes, they shared a look among themselves, silently agreeing that Kirishima had said that just to protect his best friend. Little did he know he was doing it just to protect himself. 

A few hours had passed and they had continued on their game. Kaminari revealed his true feelings or hatred towards Mineta, Sero taped Mina to the wall and Kirishima had chugged an entire litre of the monster energy drinks in less than ten seconds. After all of this they had decided to go to sleep, the red head wasn't tired at all, he had so much energy after the energy drinks and Kaminari was also pretty awake after shocking himself with electricity for a dare. The two boys decided to stay up and quietly talk whilst Sero and Mina unknowingly cuddled up on the futon that they were sharing.

"Hey dude, so, I know we don't know each other too well, but I really hope you can learn to trust me and possibly tell me your crush. I don't wanna be pushy but I think I can help you." Kaminari whispered, his voice full of sincerity.

Kirishima desperately wanted to tell someone, but he was scared after finding out about Bakugo's crush. It hurt him so bad that he was scared that Kaminari would laugh. Bakugo was clearly straight, I mean, he didn't flirt with girls or anything and he had never openly said he was straight but it was obvious that even if he was gay that he wouldn't like a boy like Kirishima, a wanna be man. "I really like you Kaminari and I already trust you bro! But, I just don't think I should get excited over this boy. He clearly doesn't like me back."

"I'm so glad to hear you say that. Well, y'know I have eyes too. And I'm not that stupid, I think I know who your crush is. But I won't say anything, but I must agree with you, he is very cute. I think you have a chance. I mean, have you seen the way he looks at you." Kaminari whispered, careful to not be too loud as he knew Mina would probably be listening. Kaminari pointed to a spiky blonde haired boy on Kirishima's lock screen. "I like that picture too!"

Wait, how the hell does he know. Am I that obvious or is this some type of thing that he can just do. What if he tells Bakugo. He won't I'm sure of it, and even if he did, Bakugo wouldn't listen to him. He doesn't listen to anyone, except... me...

Authors area 

Hi! So this is the 6th chapter, CRAZY, I really wanted a smart moment for Denki seeing as he is always portrayed as being really dumb in literally every ff I have read with him in. So yeah, #kaminariissmart for life. 

I really hope you liked the chapter and I hope you have a most fantabulous day!!

Don't forget to vote and comment and read obviously. BYEEEEEE

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