Chapter 3

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This last month was the worst experience the entire class had ever had. Their first attack by villains and it ended in their teachers almost dying in order to save the students. Everyone was left distraught. But that didn't stop the school from their yearly sports festival that left everyone in the class with even more stress knowing that they would have to become the best. 

As for Kirishima, he was one of the few that actually thought against the villains and some of the low level thugs that the villains had recruited. He saw up close his mentors being hurt and almost killed. He watched as his classmate defeated the criminals like a professional hero, and the only thought going through the spiky haired boys mind was that he would never be strong enough to be a hero, this only made him want to work harder to be better. His mind kept replaying that day, how his friend made it seem so easy and how he looked so good doing it. 

The sports festival was coming up in a few days and the entire class was working on strengthening their skills to be able to come on top, and also to distract their minds from everything they went through. "Hey, Shitty Hair. I need to work more in my explosions. Meet me in the gym in 10 minutes." An angry voice said behind Kirishima, Bakugo hadn't talked to him much since the attack, sure him, Kirishima, Sero, Mina and Kaminari all hung out, but Bakugo didn't really speak, he just huffed and puffed. 

I wonder what he wants, I get that he wants to strengthen his quirk but why me. He's not nice enough to try and help me strengthen my own quirk so he must have another objective. I haven't been able to stop thinking about how he handled the situation, he's the only reason I haven't become insane yet. His actions were so manly and brave, I felt like I did nothing but get in the way. He left that fight with barely a scratch. As I entered the changing room I could see him changing in the corner of my eye. I didn't want to piss him off like I did that one time, so I will keep my distance. But damn, I'm pretty sure he has gotten even stronger. His muscles have significantly grown since I last saw him here. We finish getting changed and head into the gym. Neither of us have said anything to each other, just little nods which were a full conversation of their own. I can tell that he is stressed and more pissed off than normal, maybe Midoriya talked to him for too long. But I think I'm only here to help him blow off some steam, I guess that's what happens when you become best friends with the angriest person in the world. The smell of burnt caramel fills the room and I desperately want to open a window but I'm scared he'll blow up my back whilst I'm not looking.

"Hey bro, are you ok?" Kirishima finally worked up the courage to say. He kept his usual happy tone in his voice with his usual way too happy smile, trying to hide the fear lingering in the back of his mind. He wasn't expecting much of a reply but he might at least get something. 

The blonde boy looked at him, pure hate in his eyes, not for the red head but for something else. "What do you mean Shitty Hair, do I not look alright, I'm fine. I just need your help working on my quirk. So stand there, use your hardening and don't fucking die." His voice was sincere but only for the the last sentence. Kirishima didn't want to question him more as it would only end in bloodshed. So he did as his friend asked and they continued this until Aizawa came and told them to get changed and leave as it was extremely late and they had school in the morning. 

Neither of the boys had realised how late it had gotten and both went to the changing rooms to get changed as quick as they could, but they were also extremely exhausted. Kirishima could barely move his arms due to how long he was use his quirk to protect himself. Bakugo noticed this and offered to help him out, it was strange for this boy to be so kind. But maybe he just exhausted all the anger out of his for that day. Bakugo stood infront of the red head and helped him lift his arms above his head in order to put the shirt on. Their bodies were inches apart from each other and the amount of tension in the changing room was intense. Kirishima was paralysed staring at the boy in front of him, unsure of the emotions filling his mind. Bakugo is his best friend after all, but all he cared about in this moment was how close their bodies were to touching. 

The moment ended too soon for Kirishima's liking and they left the building once again in silence, still unsure of the tension from the changing rooms. "Hey Shitty Hair, in the changing room, you seemed weird. You stressed or something, and also, where is my fucking thanks for helping you get dressed when you couldn't fucking move your arms." The angry blonde exclaimed. 

Kirishima didn't know whether to be sad or relieved that Bakugo didn't feel the same tension that he did. "Yeah Bakubro, thanks for your help, I'm really sore after training today. It really helped though. And I'm better than ever, just tired is all! See you tomorrow bro!" 

"Yeah, whatever Shitty Hair, see you tomorrow I guess." The taller boy replied with, they nodded at each other before going their separate ways. 

Throughout that night Kirishima dreamt about the happenings of the changing room, he new that it was wrong to look at his friend in this way but he couldn't help it. The red head wasn't ready to admit he had a crush, he had never experienced those types of feelings before so it made sense that he wouldn't know what a crush felt like. But at the moment, he was just excited to spend more time with the boy he was so fond of.

Authors area-

Hey!!!! I am here! The author. I don't usually do authors notes but I might aswell, this is the 3rd chapter of the ff and I am really excited for the rest of the chapters. I thought I'd quickly clear up some stuff tho.

Firstly, no events from the anime/manga will be written about because we've all watched it and I can't do it justice. Secondly, I am trying to speed up this part of the story, so it might start to feel really messy but it is just so that we can get to the good part of the book! Thirdly, I am eventually going to do some major time jumps to make the story more interesting.

I really hope you are enjoying so far fellow readers and I hope you have/have had a fantabulous day!

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