Chapter 11

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Two weeks had passed since Bakugo got kidnapped and Kirishima continued trying to convince his classmates into joining him in trying to save Bakugo. Momo said she would consider helping but still needed some convincing and everyone else said they would help keep it a secret but wouldn't be involved in trying to save him as they didn't want to die. Kirishima understood why his fellow classmates were sceptical but there was one person who he thought would join them. However, this final hope of his was still recovering from his injuries. Luckily, he recovered a lot faster than expected, and so the start of plan began.

The eager red head was able to convince both Momo and Midoriya and somehow Iida was even convinced. Even if it was to make sure they wouldn't do anything illegal or get themselves killed. They made there way to the city and followed the tracker that Momo had skilfully placed, they made sure they wouldn't run into any pros or villains. The plan was a go, they made it to the location and Bakugo was... not there. They looked through the window only to be met with the view of those hideous monsters that the League had created, no sight of their taken friend. They were in the wrong place, or were they. 

What the actual fuck. My head is spinning and I don't know where I am. All I remember is being taken by that rotten ass looking potato person. My eyes slowly begin to open and luckily the light isn't so bright, everything is fuzzy and they haven't noticed me yet, am I in a bar? I see that potato ass villain, Dabi I think his is his name. The creepy school girl Toga, and she's talking to Mr Handjob man otherwise known as the group leader, Shigaraki. The purple asshole I couldn't kill before and... the chicken hero? What the fuck is that chicken doing here and why is he laughing with potato. What the fuck is going on!

It has been approximately two weeks and I don't think I am ever going to be found, I'm glad I never told Kirishima my feelings because this would hurt him too much. I'm sure the heroes have called off the search and have declared me dead. Maybe I should help these assholes, at least then I would get to keep my life. My stomach is rumbling and everyone seems to be on a bad mood, chicken has disappeared like he usually does at this time of the day. The doorbell rings saying something about a pizza delivery, FUCKING FINNALY I am so hungry and these shitheads just like to eat random shit, at least they are finally eating something good. But they don't look excited, they look confused. Have I been found?

Suddenly black clouds of sludge appeared, teleporting the League of Villains and Bakugo. Bakugo was here, and he was going to be killed if they didn't stop him. Everyone was already traumatised from All For One and Best Jeanists encounter and could barely move. They could only rely on the fear coursing through their veins. They quickly formed a plan and as quick as they could, they executed it. Everything was going perfectly, All Might was fighting All For One in just the right place at the right time and there was a clear path to their friend. He was just standing there, all alone, needing to be saved. And as everything went according to plan, Bakugo was now in the arms of Kirishima. Sparks tingled between their hands. No words needed to be said. They just wanted to stay in the moment, holding each other close. That's all they needed. They landed in a safe place and the two boys were separated from the others.

They sat in silence trying to catch their breath, Bakugo felt safe enough to let his guard down but not safe enough to cry yet. "Why the fuck did you come here, you could've gotten killed fucking Shitty Hair. The heroes could've done all of this!" He whisper yelled in between breaths trying to not get noticed by any villains. Kirishima could see that Bakugo was genuinely worried for the red head and actually cared if he had been hurt. "Thanks for getting me but why, you know how dangerous these people are. You've fought them before, so why the fuck would you risk your life for me?" He asked, knowing full well why Kirishima would risk his life. But he wanted to hear him say it.

Kirishima new that he needed to speak now or else he may never get another chance. This was it, "Because, Bakugo. I, uh, I l-like you I think. But not as a friend, as more than a friend; what I'm trying to say is that I have a crush, on you, um, yeah. You probably don't like me ba-" His ramble was stopped by the soft touch of Bakugo's lips pressed against his own, it was loving and passionate in all the right ways. Bakugo's hand cupped the red heads cheek and tears started to swell in his eyes as he finally felt safe to do so. Their lips parted from each other too soon, "Wh-what was that for? Do you, like me too?"

"No Shitty Hair, I just felt like shutting you up with a kiss." Kirishima stared at him like Bakugo had just made a joke at a funeral, sure this wasn't the best time to make jokes, but after the experience they just had; they needed something to lighten the mood. "Yes, I fucking like you back. So, will you be my boyfriend Shi- Kirishima?" He asked, hearing his name come out of the blonde boys mouth was enough to send butterflies down his spine. Kirishima hugged him and nodded yes. They hugged each other for what felt like eternity before Momo, Iida, Midoriya and the other pros found them. Bakugo wiped away his tears and the two boys walked from the fight scene hand in hand.

Authors space~

Hey, so they finally got together! Yay! But this isn't the end, the time line from here is going to jump a bit and I will put a little time marking every time there is a big jump. I am really enjoying this book so far and I hope you all are too.

Have the most fantabulous day or night and see you in the next chapter, byeeeeee!

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