Chapter 8

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A few days had passed and the entirety of class 1.A was studying for their final exams that would decide if they went on training camp for the half term break. However the thought of Bakugo's red face lingered on in Kirishima's mind. How the boys perfectly chiselled face turned bright red at the knowledge of his friend being gay.

Why would he just blush like that, was he embarrassed for me. Did he think I was just making up stuff to make him feel better about his coming out. What if he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore because he thinks that I like him, I mean, I do like him but still-I just don't want to ruin our friendship. He's the best thing to happen to me, I got really lucky to get a friend like him. Even if he does try to murder my friends every other day.

Kirishima decided to message Bakugo asking him to study, he said yes and invited the red head to his house to help study.

"Hey Shitty Hair, my parents are in the kitchen right now so we can just go up to my room." He said. Kirishima gazed at the boy who was wearing a tight tank top and and baggy black sweat pants and couldn't help but smirk. He followed Bakugo up to his room.

The blondes' room was not what Kirishima had expected; his room consisted of two bookshelves full of sci-fi, horror, psychological thrillers and manga's, a desk that was perfectly organised, a bunch of posters of heroes and bands, a drum kit and a twin sized bed that was waiting for Kirishima to jump on. And so he did. "Woah Bakubro! You're room is so clean!" He said, looking around from the bed, he noticed that there weren't any books out to study with and Kirishima began to wonder. "I thought you invited me around to study, where are your books?"

Bakugo looked away quickly, a glimpse of red illuminating off of his cheeks, barely visible to Kirishima but visible enough for him to notice. "I wanted to talk to you about something and then we could do some studying.." He said, turning to look at the boy. Kirishima nodded and Bakugo sat on the chair by his desk. "So, I told you I'm gay, and then you told me. I don't know if you just told me so that I would tell you who I like or if you just wanted to bond or some fucking shit like that but I'm not telling you shit." He said, Kirishima looked down ashamed of himself. Bakugo gently put a hand on the sad boys back, "It's not that I don't want to tell you Shitty Hair, it's just that I can't yet."

"That's fine, but I don't care about who you like. I'm just upset that you thought I would tell you that I'm gay just to find out your secrets. Firstly, that's not manly at all bro. And secondly, I told you because I wanted to tell you because your my best friend and I care about you too much to not tell you!" Kirishima half yelled, Bakugo looked at him, took his hand off of his back and nodded. They began studying in an awkward silence for an hour until Kirishima's mom called him to come home for dinner. He left the blondes house barely saying goodbye.

A week later and the class was about to get their test results back, Kirishima was still thinking about his fight against the teachers and as well about his study session with Bakugo. The two hadn't spoken in days but Kirishima could feel is red eyes staring at him constantly, the red heads stomach constantly in knots at the thought of Bakugo staring at him. "Woah man, Bakugo is unable to take his eyes off of you! Are you guys dating yet?" Kaminari said a little too loudly causing Mina and Bakugo to turn around. The two of them swiftly moving towards the two boys.

Mina went right up to Kirishima's face, examining the sweat dripping off of his forehead from the nerves. "YOU TOLD KAMINARI WHO YOU LIKE AND NOT ME, WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL KIRI!" She yelled, partially deafening Kirishima. "So, seeing as you trust Kaminari, can you tell me who you like, I promise I won't say." She says again, Kirishima was barely paying attention to her as he stared at Bakugo who was staring at him. They stared into each others eyes until Mina snapped her fingers into Kirishima's face, forcing his gaze to her. He felt relieved that Mina didn't hear the Bakugo part and thought that there was hope that Bakugo didn't hear that part either.

"Yeah Shitty Hair, who's this crush of yours?" Bakugo said with a smirk, Kirishima instantly knew that Bakugo heard. His stomach fell, his throat began to clog and tears in his eyes. But he had to stay looking happy and calm, he couldn't let people see the unmanly side of him. Kaminari realised he fucked up with his big mouth and just looked at Kirishima apologetically knowing that he couldn't say anything to make the situation any better.

Kirishima looked at his friends who were waiting for his response, "My crush isn't anything interesting, you'll find out if it turns into a relationship or something, but right now you don't need to know." He said, Mina rolled her eyes and walked back to Sero. Kaminari followed leaving Kirishima and Bakugo alone together. Bakugo stared at Kirishima, slowly walking closer until their faces were inches apart. Sero was the first to notice this intimate moment and pointed this out to the rest of the friend group. They stared in confusion and in awe as they started to piece together the story.

Mina was the first to realise what the hell was going on, Kaminari was next and then Sero. "So, do we tell him. The feeling is mutual after all.." Kaminari muttered quietly. The other two looked at him in shock.

"Woah dude, it all makes so much sense now. Why Bakugo was so friendly and close with Kirishima when he massaged him a few weeks ago. And why he dodged Kirishima when he blew up our faces. And why he cared so much when he found out about Kiri's crush, woahhh dude. That's deep." Sero said, still slightly high. Mina just stared at them in awe, planning on how to get them to confess their feelings. And that was when she came up with a plan.

Authors area~

So, just clearing up one or two things. The rest of the bakusquad still don't know if bakugo is gay or not. They just suspect things and want to help Kirishima get a boyfriend.

also, i have skipped past the internships for a very good reason. They add nothing to the story line. they will be mentioned in later chapters but they just arent needed now, they are more important for bakugos inner thought monologue paragraphs that will be coming.

so yeah! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you have the most fantabulous day.

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