Chapter 17

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*Liam's POV*

The girls just told us that they couldn't come to the VMAs. We're all a little disappointed. I was really looking forward to seeing Maddie all dressed up in a beautiful gown. It's been awhile since I've seen her like that. It would've been our prom. We went as a group, all of us together dressed up and having a great time. That was about three years ago, almost two since we've been home from X-Factor and then almost immediately starting our tour. I hate that we've missed so much. Now to make up for lost time.

"Are we ready to go shopping now?" Maddie asks ending the silence we had settled into.

"Wait, so you actually needed to go shopping?" Niall asks. We were surprising them with the VMAs but also the dresses for the event. So now shopping wasn't needed, since they couldn't go. Now that I think about it, it would have been better to ask them way ahead of time. Then they would actually be able to go, but instead we tried to be spontaneous.

"Well yeah, I thought the shopping was for the wedding we have. Most of my closet is hoodies, jeans, sweats, basic tshirts. I don't have fancy clothes. I mean I have my prom dress but that's not gonna work for a wedding." Maddie laughs. Several people join her.

"No it won't" Greta agrees. Maddie shoots her a look and rolls her eyes. Siblings. I laugh with everyone else.

"Yeah let's go." I say standing up. The air is better, less glum now. She always knows exactly what to say. She can make any situation better. I'm falling for her hard. We all head to the formal wear shop.

*Maddie's POV*

"Woah..." I trail off. We're all looking at the dresses inside this store and there are thousands. Literally thousands. Plus accessories. This place is definitely outside my comfort zone. Honestly, I'm a little overwhelmed. Greta and Trinity are gawking at all the dresses. Alyssa has found a section she really likes and has started looking at each one. The guys are just wandering around making sure to stay close to one of us girls.

After a couple hours, we all find a few dresses that we like and take them to the dressing rooms. They only have two available so we divide and conquer. Alyssa and I let Greta and Trinity go first. We set our dresses on one of the room hooks and give them privacy. We head out to find the boys. They're sitting on a couch not far from where the changing rooms are. Well, most of them. I look at Alyssa and give her a confused look. "Where is Lou?"

"Bathroom maybe?" She guesses as we walk to them.

I think it over. It seems like a plausible answer, but I'm still curious. They hardly ever go anywhere alone, especially Lou. Someone has to keep him out of trouble. To be fair though, they've done a lot of growing up without us, maybe he's outgrown a chaperone. All of a sudden there's a hand in front of my face. It's snapping. "Hello?? Earth to Maddie!" Alyssa is trying to get my attention.

I shake my head a little backing away from her hand so I can see everyone. "Hello, yes I'm here. Sorry." I chuckle a little, I know exactly what happened. I got lost thinking...again.

"They're coming out with the first dress on" Liam says beside me.

"Right yeah, let's see them." I turn my attention to where they'll come out. Greta comes out in the short baby blue dress with a giant bow on the butt and thin straps.

 Greta comes out in the short baby blue dress with a giant bow on the butt and thin straps

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