Chapter 9

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Maddie's POV:

The boys are back and they brought all of their mail with them. A bunch of it was from us. They got scared that someone was stalking them at the amount of bubble envelopes that contains the videos we made. Every video had no return address; but they had the date of which we recorded the video. Niall kept thinking that it was a bomb. We had explained to him that if it was a bomb, it would have already exploded due to the lack of proper handling.

"The person who sent them had to have known you were on tour, or else they wouldn't have sent you so many." Greta says, tying to calm them down.

"Ok, but what was the point in putting dates on them?" Liam asks.

"Don't you all have envelopes with the same dates on them?" I counter.

They look around and realize that they do. "So they must be copies." Zayn concludes.

"Therefore, this means there's only two reasons as to why they made copies and sent each of you one." I say looking at each of them to make sure they were listening. "One, they didn't know which house you guys would go to first, when you went on break."

"Or?" Louis asks. His face is drained of all color.

Awe. My poor Lou-boo is scared. "Or they wanted each of you to have a copy of whatever it is." I finish.

"Sh...should it?" Harry asks.

"NO!" Greta exclaims. We all look at her like she's crazy. "I mean... you could, if you really wanted to." She adds quickly. My phone vibrates in my pocket. A text from Greta the Great: Help!!

I text back: Why should I?

Because I love you and you are the greatest sister in the world : she pleads.

I smile at her: Fine, but you're not going to like it.

I hear her growl : Grrr. Fine.

"Awe is poor little Greta afraid?" I coo at her. I hear one of the boy's chuckle. I think that was Zayn. She stares at me, not saying a thing. "Who wants to cuddle Greta until she's reassured that nothing will happen?" I ask the boys. Harry shifts awkwardly. "I guess I have to choose one of you then." I walk over to Greta and pull her to her feet. I cover her eyes with my hands and slowly guide her towards the boy I have chosen. Zayn still had mail on him so I had Louis come put pillows beside him on the floor. I tried to gently push her on the pillows, but she ended up tripping on a piece of mail. She falls face first on her favorite pillow. Lucky. I look at Zayn. He's scowling at me. "Hey, you laughed, you get cuddle duty." I say walking back to my seat and plopping down.

" I open it?" Harry asks once more.

"I guess" I answer.

He opens it carefully. Finally, he has it fully open. He dumps it out on the floor. "It's a disk." he states.

"So it's either a video or music" Liam concludes.

"Correct. See, I told you it was nothing to worry about." I say looking at everyone.

"Whatever" Greta and Niall say at the same time. They look at each other and laugh. We all soon join in.

"Now the question we play it?" Louis says. Greta takes a sharp breath.

"Do you see all this mail covering this floor?" I sass him. "No, you can't play it. At least not without Trinity and Alyssa here. They'll be here tomorrow. We'll watch it then. In the meantime, we have mail to open."

"Ok, we shall open these videos tomorrow and watch them. Now there is like a thousand letters here. Let's get reading." Liam says, ending with a clap.

* 4 Hours Later *

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