Chapter 3

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"See you tomorrow. Bye Liam!" I yelled as I walked to my stuff.


I got up and took a shower. I grabbed the top pair of jeans and t-shirt, threw them on, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. After breakfast, I went upstairs to brush my teeth and finish getting ready for school.

*skip forward*

I walked onto the bus and sat in my usual seat beside Alyssa. We always sat in the first seat behind the door. Nobody sat around us because everybody thinks we're weird. Which we are. And we accept this happily.

At the next stop, I take notice to what the house looks like as Liam gets on. He see's me and sits in the seat across from us. "Hey Madison"

"Hey Liam. This is my best friend, the one I told you about."

"Oh, yeah. Hey," He greeted her.

"Hey Liam. How are you?" Alyssa asked.

"Good. You?" he replies.

"Good" she answers.

After that it got really quiet. Why does she always make things awkward? I thought.

Liam laughed and said, "She does that a lot too? I thought it was just-"

"Hey Li, whatcha' talkin' bout?" Niall asked as he walked on, flopping beside him.

"Oh, nothing Ni. What's up?" he countered. I looked at him questioningly but I decided against saying anything.

When Niall looked away, he mouthed, "Niall too" Ohh! That makes sense now.

"What makes sense?" Niall asked me.

Crap. See this is what I get for talking to myself....."Why seven plus seven equals triangle" I grimaced and mentally face palmed myself as the words came right out of my mouth.

Alyssa and Liam busted out laughing causing the entire bus to look at us. Luckily Louis, Harry, and Zayn save the day and get on. We all joked around and had fun until we got to school. We then had to go our separate ways to find our lockers and our first period classes.

I had math first period with Liam and Alyssa. Second period I had foods 1 with Niall and Harry. Science third period with Zayn and drama fourth period with Alyssa and Louis.

I grab my books for math and foods and head to class. School flew by pretty fast. I was extremely excited for this sleepover tonight. As I was walking to the bus, someone grabbed my arm and turned me around. I dropped my bag and almost hit the guy who had grabbed me instead of calling my name until I saw who it was: Liam. "You wanna walk home?"

"Yeah sure" I smiled.

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