Chapter 16

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*Louis's POV*

It's almost 11:30 when Liam and Maddie come in. "It's about time you guys show up. It's almost time to leave! Where were you?" I say.

They look at each other. "We went to get doughnuts then we went to the park." Maddie says, matter-of-factly.

"Why?" Zayn asks.

"Because that's where I took her." Liam answers. Why are they being so vague? This is ridiculous. I'll have Li tell me later.

"Okay, well it's almost time to go. So be ready." Greta walks in saying.

"Yeah, no problem. I wouldn't want to put any delay into your plans." Maddie is getting sassy. She shoots a glare at Greta. What's that about? Greta just smiles back at her and walks away.

"Yeah, so go get ready! We leave in 30 minutes with or without you, so you better be ready!" I say. 

Maddie looks perplexed. "I can't go to the mall in this?" she asks. 

"Well you can, I guess. We're going shopping and not just your typical shopping" I say. 

*Skips forward*

"I'm hungry!" Niall complains for like the fifth time since we left. 

"Niall, we can eat when we get there. The mall does have a food court, you know" Greta teases him. We had to take two cars because nine people just don't fit in a single car. Niall, Greta, Harry, and I were all in my car while everyone else was in Liam's car. I'm driving and we are so beating the others to the mall, even though the others weren't racing. 

"That's so long! Why can't we just stop on the way!?" Niall asks.

"With the way Lou is driving, we'll be there in under 5 minutes. Calm down dude" Harry says as he grips his seatbelt.

"I'm just trying to beat them there" I defended.

"I knew it! Do they know it's a race?" Greta asks excitedly.

"I didn't tell them so I doubt it. I just kinda decided when we passed them a little bit ago. Actually speaking of, where are they?" I answer. Everyone looks around to see if they can spot Liam's car on the road.

Realization took over Greta's face. She turns to face me, "They beat us. She knew. She had Liam go the other way."

"What! How?" I ask. Harry and Niall chuckle behind me.

"Lou, when have you ever known her to not know what you were up to? She probably saw the idea pop into your head as we passed. We even took the long way to the mall." She looked at me like I had two heads.

Something about her mini rant clicked for me. 'oh no, what have I done?' I thought to myself. 'She always knows. She always has. She puts so much time and energy into us and what have I shown her since I've been back? I gotta fix this!' "You're right. I just realized." I answer.

She seems to understand and just nods at me. We arrive at the mall and she directs me to where they would normally park. We found them. It's exactly as she said. I park beside them and we all unload. Liam, Maddie, Alyssa, Zayn, and Trinity start to get out as well. "Ha! We won!" Maddie excitedly says. Which only made me feel worse.

Everybody starts heading in at different speeds. Niall is first of course with Alyssa beside him. Harry and Greta are behind them. Next is Zayn and Trinity. Which leaves Liam and Maddie just in front of me. I'm about 5 feet behind them and she keeps looking back at me. I guess I get lost in thought because the next thing I know I'm bumping into someone. I look up mumbling an apology to see Maddie standing there with concern on her face. When she doesn't move I go to step around her. She steps with me. "Yes?"

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