Chapter 8

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Louis's POV:

I wake up beside Harry on the floor. The boy's and I crashed at Liam's place once we got in this morning. Liam was in his room, Zayn was in the recliner, Niall was on the couch, and Harry and I were on the floor. We have all really missed the girls lately; that's why, when I had this amazing idea, I had to go for it. The boys are gonna kill me because I let them know we were home before the "surprise" reunion. But they are also gonna love me for it as well. I get up and get breakfast and watch the clock tick on.

Greta's POV:

I wake up to the smell of bacon. Don't you just love bacon? I mean, it's like one of the best things in the world. I get dressed and follow the delicious smell downstairs and into the kitchen. Maddie and Alyssa are already awake. What Maddie doesn't know is that after she fell asleep, Trinity and I edited the video and had Alyssa drive us to the boys' houses and put copies in their mailboxes. I look at the time and it says 10:24. Good, that gives us all enough time to get ready to meet Lou. "Hey, guys." I say groggily.

"Good morning" Alyssa says at the same time Maddie says, "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. How did you guys sleep?" I ask as I grab a plate and some food.

"Like a baby" Alyssa answers. I just roll my eyes, she's too cheery.

"I slept, what more are you looking for." Maddie says flipping more sizzling bacon.

"She's in her zone." Alyssa supplies as once she sees the confusion on my face as to why Maddie's all grumpy.

"Oh, gotcha. Why are you all cheery this morning?" I ask sitting beside her and munching on some bacon.

"Oh, no reason. It's just that one of our best friends is coming to see us the first day he's on break." she says in a 'duh' tone.

"I do recall you saying something about that last night." I retort.

We eat in silence until Maddie comes up to us and says, "I call a shower first!" and runs up to take a shower. "Don't eat all the food!" Dang. She read my mind. I huff and take my dishes to the sink and wash them.

Soon enough Trinity comes down and gets food and then Maddie returns also getting breakfast. Its now 11 a.m. and Lou is gonna be here in an hour. Great, "My turn!" Alyssa says grabbing her clothes and getting in the shower.

"Don't use all the hot water!" Trinity yells.

Finally, we are all cleaned and dressed and awaiting Queen Lou to meet us. We all jump when the doorbell rings. We all rush to it trying to be the first to hug Louis. But its the mailman. Alyssa, Trinity, and I leave Maddie to answer him. She closes the door and walks out with him. Weird.

Madison's POV:

The doorbell rings and we all jump up to get it. It was only the mailman. Of course they leave me to get the mail from him. He hands me the mail and as soon as I put the mail on the table right beside the door, another car pulls in the driveway. Louis. I close the door and walk out so I don't raise any suspicion. As soon as Lou's out of his car, my walk transforms into a full out run until I jump on him hugging the life out of him. I don't catch him by surprise and he twirls me around and sets me back on my feet with both of us laughing. Same old Lou. "Heyy" I say starting up the conversation.

"Heyy? That's all I get? After being away for two years?" He pouts.

"Actually it's only been a year and a half. Thank you very much." I snap back. He is not going to just walk up in here and pout at me because I said 'heyy'. Not when he hasn't made much of an effort to talk to us while he was away. He fakes being hurt and wipes an invisible tear away. We walk up to the door and three people come running out whacking me with the door in the process. "Ouch" I whimper low enough that nobody would hear.

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