Chapter 13

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Greta's POV:

I woke up beside Niall, in my bed. He stirs as I push myself up to look around. He looks peaceful. I thought. Better not wake him. He may get mad at me. So I set out to carefully get up off of my bed without it squeaking or making any noise. Which is very hard to do since my bed decided to hate me today and wants to make all the noise it can. Finally, I manage to not wake him up. Don't ask me how, I just know it took me forever to figure it out. I walk out and bump right into Liam. He must have just woken up because he still has some bad bed hair. "Sorry," I mumble.

"No, it's my fault. Not yours." He whispers. He extends his arms, as he says, "Ladies first."

"Why thank you." I say and close the door behind me and bound down the stairs Liam close behind.

"So why are you up so early?" he asks.

"What do you mean?" I say confused.

"You didn't look at what time it is, did you?" he suspects.

"Nope" I say popping the 'p'.

He pulls his phone out and lights up the home screen. "Look."

I turn around at the bottom of the stairs and find that it's 5:15 am. "Why am I up this early?" I groan.

"I don't know. I don't even know why I'm up at this hour." he laughs.

"Well, since we're up, you wanna share some cookies?" I ask him.

"What is it with you guys and not eating a healthy breakfast?" Harry asks, causing me to jump.

"Why do you just surprise people without telling them?" I say exasperated.

"You realize that made no sense, right?" Liam advises.

"Yes, I do. But that doesn't answer my question." I answer.

"No, it doesn't. Why do you sneak up on people at 5:15 am, Harry?" Liam asks turning to Harry.

"It's 5:15? In the morning?" he says surprised.

"Yes." I say matter-of-factly. I walk into the kitchen and pull out some cookies and walk back into the living room.

Liam just shakes his head. "She gets that from you doesn't she?"

"Who gets what from me?" I ask.

"Maddie always eating junk food first thing in the morning." Liam supplies.

"What about me?" Maddie asks bouncing down the stairs, like she's got energy to burn.

"How you always eat junk food in the morning. Do you get it from her?" Harry informs her throwing his head in my direction, indicating that he was talking about me.

"Psh. No. She gets that from me, honey." Maddie replies nonchalantly. She walks behind me into the kitchen getting a glass of milk. She takes one cookie away from me and dunks it in the milk.

"Gross." Zayn says groggily.

"Maybe if you tried it someday, it wouldn't be 'gross'." Maddie retorts.

"Or it would still be gross and then I would be like you." Zayn says walking towards the bathroom.

"And what's wrong with being like me?!" She yells.

"Well-" I start.

"I wasn't talking to you now was I?" she cuts me off. She snatches the cookies from me and stalks off up the stairs.

"She still has that trait, I see." Louis says from the doorway behind me. I jump at the sudden sound of his voice and turn around to lightly smack his arm. I glare at him as I do so. "Sorry." he says.

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