Chapter 10

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Greta's POV:


I was almost asleep when Harry whispered, "Either of y'all awake?" I'm too lazy to say anything so I just stay quiet.

"Polo" Lou answers.

"I have to tell you something, Lou" Harry says. Ooo... this might be interesting.

"What's up?" Louis asks, also intrigued by Harry's sudden outburst.

"I like her, Lou." he says. I knew this would be interesting. What was that noise? The boys didn't hear it, but I did. Weird. Then I realize what it heart.....ouch. I might like him a little but not a lot.

Lou sits up quickly. He nods his head towards me. ME? He likes me? Out of every Directioner out there, he likes me? What is wrong with him?

*End of Flashback*

"Do I like him enough?" I ask myself again for hundredth time. "I don't know! Why do things have to be so confusing?"

"What's so confusing?" Liam asks sitting beside me.

Should I tell him? I mean I could give incognito information and then get advice. That wouldn't hurt would it? Whatever. If there is I will just deal with it later. "Well, I kinda overheard something I wasn't meant to." I start. Liam looks perplexed, trying to figure out what the problem is. "Well, this guy likes me." I continue. Realization settles over his face.

"And you don't know if you like him back?" he asks.

"No, I don't know if I like him enough to go out with him." I answer.

"Well, try to stay away from him. If you can't seem to keep your distance, then your answer is yes." he says, smiling at me.

I smile back. "Thanks, Liam"

"Anytime. I do have a question." he says.


"Does this guy have a name?" I was dreading this question.

"Harry" I say and incline my head to greet him good morning. I guess Liam didn't see him come in, because he looked confused at first. Then he turned around when Harry said hey back to me and turned the T.V. on. Liam gave me this look that told me: this conversation wasn't over. Crap. I should've known this was going to happen.

"We the only ones up?" Liam asks.

Harry looks around. Louis is still asleep. Niall and Maddie is locked in her room. Zayn is snoring in my bed. "Looks like it." he answer. He smiles as he pulls out his phone. "Picture time" We laugh and pull out our phones as well.

"I'll get Zayn and you two take Louis?" Liam asks.

"Yeah" Harry says. He looks at me.

"That's cool" I say against Liam's orders. I'd rather not go with Harry after what I learned last night. This is going to be awkward. So we split up. Liam goes up stairs and I followed Harry to where Louis was sleeping. Louis moves a lot in his sleep. He squirmed several times during the photo shoot. Perfect. That would make a great GIF. Harry and I didn't say anything, but I did catch him trying to take a couple pictures of me instead of Lou. He's blowing our chance to get good blackmail pictures. I move to put a teddy bear under Lou's arm, and I trip over his foot. I land with an 'umph' on Louis, who is now awake. "Good morning" I say. Luckily, my phone fell out of my hands. He ain't got nothin' on me. Harry's just looking at me like I'm insane, trying to discreetly return his phone to his pocket before Louis sees it. After he puts it away, he just continues to stare at me. "Are you going to help me off of your best mate or not?" I ask him as Louis lays back down.

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