Chapter 15

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*Liam's POV*

As I was driving to our undisclosed location, Maddie kept asking me all of the basic questions when you want to get to know someone. Neither of us has really changed too much. Greta was right, we are the perfect match. I am so glad that she told me that Madison likes me back, even though she wasn't supposed to. And now that I know, I have to create and execute the plan to wow her.

After a few moments of silence, Maddie asks, "Where are we going?"

"Well, first things first, we need breakfast. Is there any place you have a preference for?" I inquired.

"There really isn't much around here. I mean there are the typical places you see everywhere else. Is there anything you want specifically?" She answers.

"Well now that you mention it, some doughnuts sound pretty nice."

"Then you'll want to go to Krispy Kreme. They are the best in town. You'll need to take a left at the stoplight." she directs me to the doughnut shop.

"It's been awhile since I've drove around these streets, I'm glad to have you with me. You are the best!" I say pulling into the parking lot and putting the car in park. She blushes and averts her gaze to the building. Her hair falls over her shoulder, hiding her blush. "You still do that?"

For a moment she's confused, but then she realizes what she had done. She looks at me as she explains "Oh, yeah I guess I do. I don't even realize that I do it anymore, I guess it's just become something I do unconsciously."

"Well we are just going to have to fix that, because you are too beautiful to let your hair hide your face" I reach over to push her hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. "Now that's my beautiful girl." I smile at her. I wonder if she will catch my wording.

"Aww. Li! That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me!" She reaches over to hug me and she's blushing like mad. She really does like me. I smile even more. Her phone starts to play "Call me Beep me" the theme song to Kim Possible. She pulls back to see what it was. "Zayn says that we have to be back and ready by noon because that's when we're leaving. What is he talking about?"

"Oh, you don't know? We're all going shopping later" I answer.

"No, I didn't know. When did this get planned?" She asked as we get out and walk to the door.

"This morning after you went to your room but before you apologized to Zayn" I open the door for her and followed her as she entered.

"Oh, okay. I guess we're going to the mall then or do you guys have some sort of event planned in order to prevent me from paying for what I purchase?" She stops before getting to the counter and turns to me.

"Well" I drag out that one word and walk up to the counter to order. "A dozen original glazed and two mocha lattes, please,"

"If I ask a question, will you answer it honestly?" Oh no, I know what she's thinking. I have to play this cool.

"Depends on what the question is." I hope that's the right answer.

"Since when did honesty become something you can forgo? Honesty is the best policy, remember?" Dang, she's good. And she used 'honesty' something we had worked together on years ago with the rest of the boys. She knows I can't lie to her.

"You're good."

"That's not the point. Why are you hiding things from me?"

"I'm not the only one that's hiding something," Why did I just say that!? I just blew up every chance I had!

"What are you talking about?" She hesitated, choosing her words carefully.

She's not sure if I know who she likes. She not even completely sure that's what I'm talking about. She's confused. "Think about it. I've known you for years. There's something up with you. What is it?"

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