Chapter 7

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Greta's POV:

I was woke up at 8:30 by Alyssa and Trinity. They want to prank Maddie. Ha ha. "Hey, why don't we pull the air mattress out to the pond out back, plastic wrap her to it, put a couple of rubber spiders around her, and a gummy bear stuck to between her eyes with clear coat. " Alyssa says.

"And tie string around the spiders to make them move and wake her up with an air horn." Trinity adds.

"We could record and send it to the boys!" I suggest.

"Yeah" Trinity agrees.

"This is going to be great!" Alyssa squeals.

So we set to it. We pulled Maddie out to the pond and carefully wrapped her in plastic wrap. We used top coat to "glue" the bright pink gummy bear right between her eyes. We tied some fishing line to one of the legs of the two spiders and placed one in front of her face and the other on her arm like it was climbing up to her shoulder. Trinity grabbed the camera and sat towards the pond so she could tape her embarrassment. Alyssa and I where going to hide in the bushes around the pond and move the spiders along the plastic wrap to scare her. Trinity has the air horn and we got in places after pushing her towards the middle of the pond. Trinity turned the camera towards me to show my hiding place to the boys. I nodded my head to show I was ready. Slowly, she turned towards Alyssa who smiled and nodded. Trinity turned the camera towards her face and nodded. She turned back towards Maddie. She showed the camera the air horn. She turned the can around so she had better access to it and sounded the alarm.

Trinity's POV:

I zoom in on Maddie and blow the air horn. The pink gummy bear can be spotted a mile away. She jumps up sky high, or well attempts to anyway. Then she sees the spider in front of her face. She screams bloody freaking murder. Oh this is great. She wiggles and squirms around almost flipping the whole thing over. The only thing she sees is the spider in front of her, nothing else. Then, the spider on her arm begins to move up towards her shoulder. Maddie screams again. Even louder, if that's even possible. She doesn't even notice the gummy bear. Good work Greta. The one by her face moves closer to the gummy bear. Now she notices it. Bright pink and centered between her eyes. She scowls. She knows she just got pranked big time. Her eyes wander back to the spider in front of her, closely examining it. She still looks scared, but not as much. The one on her arm moves again. She's not even scared. Dang! "Alright guys! That's enough." Greta and Alyssa look at me. I shake my head no. This isn't over not yet. I want cinnamon rolls for breakfast. And she's going to make them. And bacon! I want bacon too. Then she sees me and the water. She screams again. I look back at her through the camera. There's a real water spider sliding towards her.

Maddie's POV:

I am awaken by the loudest freaking sound I have ever heard and it sounds like its right by my head. I jump up trying to remove the permanent sound etched in my brain. I tried to get up but every time I was slung back on this very uncomfortable air mattress. What is the stuff holding me down? I attempt to look at what's keeping me held in my place and I saw one of the scariest things in the world. A freaking spider was in my face. I scream like someone's trying to kill me. Where are the girls, why aren't they out here? I feel something move on my arm. Another freaking spider. I hate spiders! Why am I the one who gets ambushed by spiders? Get these stupid, scary, ugly creatures away from me! I try to flip them off of me, but it doesn't work. It takes everything in me to scream even louder than before. The one in my face moves close enough to where I'm now cross eyed trying to look at it. Then I notice something on my face. Instinctively I move to swat it away but I start to wobble. Oh no. I'm in the pond and these girls are going to get it. Pink. What's pink in her house? Gummy bears! I hope they didn't lick it first. That's just gross. "Alright guys! That's enough." I yell as one of the spiders move again. I take a closer look and the spiders have fishing line tied to them and they are rubber. I mean I know I'm scared of spiders and stuff but these are rubber. They're fake. Meant for actions just like these. To scare somebody. Only this somebody is getting pissed off and is going to want blood for this. They are not getting off the hook so easily. Finally something moves on the bank grabbing my attention. Trinity shaking her head no. Crap. They are not making this any easier for themselves. Something else moved closer to me. Probably just a leaf. Boy was I wrong! It was a real life water spider. Oh these girls are going to get it tonight. No way was this going unrevenged. This spider is getting closer. Crap! Calm down Maddie. Don't draw attention to yourself maybe it will go away. Nope just getting closer. I scream the loudest, most terrified scream. I bet people in China heard me. It just keeps getting closer. Its all because they had to put a gummy bear on my head! They might as well should've attached a sign that said, "Free food for bugs. Come and get it!" At least then I would have the hope that bugs couldn't read and I wouldn't get eaten alive by insects. But no! That would just be too easy! Now wouldn't it? Yes! Because I don't ever do anything easy, they think that they have to go over the top when it comes to pranking me? Louis! Liam! Zayn! Niall! Harry! Where are you boys when you're needed? I'm gonna need all y'alls help to get these three goobers back! They are so dead! Ah! That spider is so close! Scream, you idiot. Somebody is bound to hear you. So I did. This one wasn't as loud and I could hear my voice cracking at the end of it. Great, now I'm losing my voice. Lou's gonna love that tomorrow. Tomorrow! They will be back tomorrow! Yes! I've missed them so freaking much, it's not even funny. And now they're coming home! A little girl's squeal of delight brings me back as a car rides down the road. There goes my chance of being rescued from this deserted pond of nothing but horrors and nightmares. That spider is on the edge of the mattress and there are more behind it. I scream again like my life depended on it. "In a way, it kinda does." I don't have time for you right now! Go back to sleep! "I can't if you're awake too dummy. Hello you're screaming your head off like a girl!" Oh crap I am. Thank you for shining that light on me. But I couldn't care less if I sound like a girl! I'm freaking out! "Obviously we are freaking out. There are spiders crawling up our shield" I scream again as I point out that fact to myself. "If y'all don't get me out of here right now, I'm gonna be spider lunch!" I yell at whoever is watching me writhe in embarrassment and uneasiness. Why did I have to go to sleep in a tank top and a pair of short shorts last night? Where is my blanket? Couldn't they at least have left it on me before they wrapped me up whatever this stuff is? Then I remembered Trinity. Trinity. "Help me, please Trinity! I'll do whatever you want! Just get me out of here!" She smiles. She got what she wanted. She nodded to my right where I couldn't see and behind me. That's where they are hiding. I should've seen that one coming.

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