Chapter 14

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Trinity's POV:

Greta just woke me up and thank god she did, I was having a nightmare. It was so horrible, I don't even want to think about it. "What time is it?" I ask her after I'm standing up.

"Um... like 5:38. Why?" she asks. She's always like this after she wakes me up. Asking tons of questions, making sure I'm alright, everything a best friend is supposed to do.

"Just wondering. Why are you awake?" she's normally not up this early.

"Well, I just woke up about 15ish minutes ago and I was hyper and hungry so I came down here to get me some food." She explains. We don't ever talk about my nightmares, we just move on and forget they ever happen. She doesn't pressure me to talk about them, and for that I'm grateful.

"Greta! Is everything ok?" Zayn says as he walks through the doors. I flinch at how loud he is. Damn, he looks good. He's wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of music note pajama pants. "Oh, Sorry. I didn't realize I was that loud." he says much more quiet.

"No, it's fine." I say smiling and looking at the ground. It's a bad habit. I've always had it. And when the boys' came out with their hit single 'What Makes You Beautiful' I can't help but feel they put that line in there for me, about me.

Greta looks at me as she answers him. "Yeah, everything's fine. No need to worry. Right?"

"Yeah." I break eye contact and look back at Zayn. He's perplexed, curious. He reaches his hand out and I take it. He helps us over the others who are still sleeping scattered about on the floor. We walk into the living room and three pairs of eyes are on us. What are these idiots doing awake at this hour?

"We were just making plans for today." Louis says reading my mind. "We're going shopping."

"Yeah, apparently the boys' have some special occasion Friday that we don't know about." Greta informs me. All eyes turn to her and they are most certainly not pretty. It must be the VMAs. I do recall Louis saying the boy's didn't want us to know so they could surprise us. HA! Little do they know...

"Ok, sounds good to me. But Maddie..." I agree.

"Maddie... what?" she says coming down with an empty glass of what looked like milk and a package of cookies.

"Nothing. And I see you're in a better mood than earlier." Louis concludes.

She walks in the kitchen and throws away the package of cookies and puts the glass in the sink. She then joins us, "Well, yeah. I thought about what happened and I was the one in the wrong. Sorry, Zayn, I shouldn't have blown up like that."

Zayn says, "It's cool" at the same time I say "What?"

"We've been up for a little while. Maddie and Zayn got a little fight earlier and well, Maddie stormed upstairs and now she's back." Louis summarizes.

"Oh." is all I reply.

"Greta!" Harry whines from the kitchen. How did he get in there without me noticing? "Are we going to make breakfast now?"

"Yeah! I'm starving!" Maddie says pushing Greta towards him. I now notice that he has no shirt on... what the hell?

"You just ate cookies! How many were even in that package?" Louis loudly whines.

"It was just opened, only like a few were missing." she answers nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders.

"Are you sure you're not related to Niall?" Zayn asks once again.

"Do you realize how many times you've asked me that question?" she retorts.

"Yes, I do. I just don't believe you. Or Niall." he states. He slightly moves and I realize I was subconsciously leaning against him. I pull away from him instinctively. A small frown forms on his face before he could put up a facade for everyone. What???

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