Chapter 11

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"Maddie!" Trinity barks. "Calm down!" Finally I calm down and press play once more. Everybody turns back towards the t.v. I remember this one. That chocolate bar was disgustingly horrible, and they all knew about it. That's ok, I got them back. They were washing that stuff out of their hair for forever.

*Maddie's Video POV*

Greta, Trinity, and Alyssa walk in my room with a tray that has food and a glass on it. "We made you breakfast." Alyssa said with a smile.

"What did you do to it? And why is Greta holding the camera?" I questioned. I looked like crap that morning.

"We just wanted you to see your reaction when you tasted this nice food we made you." Trinity said with a smirk. Alyssa placed the tray on my lap after I sat up. I was wearing a tank top and my frog pajama pants.

"Yeah right. What did you put in it?" I scoffed while looking at the odd colored scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Cocoa powder. So now you can have chocolate eggs and bacon." Greta said, a little too cheerful. I slowly pick up the fork and bring it to my face. I smell it. There is definitely chocolate in there.

"Just eat it already!" Trinity whined. Cautiously, I take a bite. Not as bad as I thought it would be. Actually pretty good.

"Well? What do you think, Food Queen?" Alyssa asked.

I laughed at her nickname for me. "I'm not the Queen. That's Lou. And even if there is a "Food Queen" that would be Hazza, n-"

"Uh. Uh. Uh. What's rule number four?" Trinity chastised me.

I huff. "Don't talk about the boys. But in my defense, you guys just woke me up." I answered.

"True. We'll let it slide. This time." Greta warned me after looking at the other two.

"Next time we won't be so lenient. Now eat this." Alyssa said tossing me a chocolate bar.

"Yay! Chocolate first thing in the morning!" I said excitedly. I look at the wrapper. I couldn't read it. "What kind is it?"

"It's a uh... foreign kind." Greta answered.

"Oh... ok" I said tearing the wrapper off of it and then devouring it. Fifteen seconds after I finished the unidentified candy bar, I feel my mouth, like, explode. It felt like dynamite was constantly being fired.

I see Alyssa lean over to Trinity and Greta. "Did it work?" she whispers.

"Yes! It freaking worked!" I screamed at them reaching for the glass still sitting on the tray. Orange juice. Great. Are they trying to kill me? I get up with the glass in my hand. They are just standing there, laughing at me and my orange juice. Jokes on them, I splashed the entire glass on them all and run towards the kitchen. They screeched at the sudden stickiness that had befallen upon them, from the trickery they hath committed. The screen now shows the underneath of my bed. Which was spotless. I had just remembered to clean my entire room two days before that day and I'm glad I did. Finally, someone picks up the camera and turns it around to face Trinity and Alyssa covered in orange juice. Then Trinity take the camera from her and turns it to face Greta who is also covered in orange juice. Ha! Serves them right. They thought they was gonna get away with giving me a spicy candy bar with orange juice, knowing I hate orange juice. That's not even the best part either!

The camera get thrown on my bed and we're staring at my pillows, but you can still hear the girls. "Ew, I'm so sticky now!" Greta whined.

"We all are, Bug" Trinity says. Alyssa just starts laughing. In the background you can hear drawers opening and closing. "Why are you laughing?" Trinity asks Alyssa.

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