When We See You Again

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Chapter 1:

Madison's POV:

"Just stop it. They're not going to just randomly walk up to you. You are insane." I argued with...I'd say my dog but he wasn't paying any attention to me. He had learned to live with my independent arguments.

"I know I'm insane! That's why I'm talking to you! Erm...well, it's more like arguing at you, but that is all we ever do. Very rarely do we ever agree on anything!" I sassed back quietly so the five hottest guys in school behind me wouldn't hear me bickering with myself and think I'm crazy.

Okay I may be crazy, but I don't want them to know that. I've got homework to do, so I better hurry up and get home. Finally, I was walking up the driveway to go put Fluffy back under his roof out back. I finish putting Fluff back and walked inside to get my backpack, mp3 player, headphones, a water bottle, and a chocolate bar. I was happily going to do my homework on the picnic table that was out in the front yard; they were two houses down.

I plugged my headphones in and put my mp3 player on shuffle. Normally, I hate shuffle because I never hear what I want to hear. But right now I don't care, I just need music. I started my homework and got really into the music. Unconsciously, I started to sing. I took a break from staring at a math sheet I was almost finished with, and looked up. Bad Idea!! They were standing at the end of the driveway and staring at me. I answered my last question and put all of my homework away. Finally, I turned off my music and walked to them.

"Hi" I said as I reached them.

"Hi. We couldn't help but overhear you." Liam stated.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to disturb your walk. I just kind fell into my own little world with only homework and music." I explained fast and quiet.

They looked shocked and confused. "Why are you apologizing? That was great." Niall asked still dumbfounded.

I didn't answer I just looked at the ground trying to get my hair to fall around my face to hide how red it had gotten. They seemed to have noticed.

"Hey, you wanna hear a joke?" Louis asked trying to make small talk.

"Um....sure, I guess." I gave in not wanting this to be any more awkward than it already has been.

"Ohh! I have one!" Harry said excitedly.

"Um....ok. Then, why don't you tell it?" I said throwing a little sass into this conversation. Everyone smiled except for Harry. He faked a little hurt expression with his hand over his heart.

"Fine. Anyways, I made this up when I was 7." Harry cheekily said. All of them groaned. "Why did the baboon ask the giraffe 'why the long face'?"

" Umm......why?" I asked.

"Because he thought the giraffe's neck was his face..." Harry erupted into laughter. I just awkwardly laughed along with the other four boys.

Suddenly the not-so-awkward/awkward laugh was interrupted by a door shutting. It was Greta. My younger sister. She skipped down the two steps of the front porch and to the table laughing. She slowly stopped as she realized we had visitors and we were staring at her. Then she showed me the phone and said, "Sissy!"

I was excited. I haven't talked to Trinity in forever. "Yay! Trinity! Oh. My. Gosh. We haven't talked in like forever!" I yelled as I ran to the table. Then I remembered the boys. I waved them over. "I just had the greatest idea ever!" Greta and Trinity groaned. "Uh! Fine I won't tell you the greatest surprise ever."

The boys walked over and sat down. I was still standing after everyone had already had a seat and there are no seats left. So I did the one thing every crazy person would do........I sat on the tabletop.

"You realize she's not going to talk to us until she tells us what this surprise is, right?" Greta asked Trinity.

"Yeah.........I know. You might as well tell us, Maddie." she answered.

"You get to meet the 5 hottest guys in my school. Almost every girl is drooling over them." I said.

The boys looked hurt. What?! I just complimented them. "Almost every girl?" Zayn asked.

"Last time I checked EVERY girl liked us" Harry said.

"Oh really. When was that?" I countered.

"Umm....a year I think." He answered unsure of himself.

"You must have forgotten that schools get new students every year." I said matter-of-factly.

"Ohhh!!! Burn!" Greta and Trinity simultaneously added.

"Anyways, Trinity this is Liam."



"This is Niall"




"Hey there"




"OW! Hello"

"And Zayn"



"Well that's everybody, babes" I finished.

"Well thanks. I need to talk to Greta and then I have to go or I can't come over tomorrow night." she replied.

We all said our goodbyes and left them to talk.

"Well, we better get going. But I was wondering what you guys had planned on doing tomorrow night?" Liam asked.

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