Chapter 18

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*Maddie's POV*

Greta and Trinity are sitting with boys while Alyssa and I go try on the dresses we picked out. I'm so nervous about this. I hate dresses. I don't like how I look in them or how there are tons of variations. Not to mention the prices of dresses are outrageous. I'm just not that comfortable in dresses. I don't even plan on wearing a dress at my wedding, that's how much I hate dresses and dress shopping. I'm only doing this for the boys and the fact that I don't want to embarass them at the VMAs by being underdressed. Alyssa is in the stall next to me putting her first dress on. "Hun? You ok?" she questions the silence coming from me.

"Honestly?" I ask.

"Always" she answers.

"I might be freaking out a little..." I swallow. I picked out dresses in Liam's favorite color and they are all hanging there staring at me. What if he doesn't like any of them? I mean I know we held hands on the way in but like we haven't established anything. Besides it's not that weird for us to hold hands, I've held all their hands. Was it just innocent hand holding like from before? But if that's the case, then what did Louis mean by 'I'm glad things are going well'? He also mentioned that Li would 'love me in anything' where his exact words, but what if he's wrong? What if he hates them all? Or worse, he likes something that I just can't wear?

"Girl! You have got to chill!" Alyssa yells at me hitting our shared wall to capture my attention. "You got this, and if you're that uncomfortable you don't have to walk out there. It'll be ok."

I shake myself, trying to get rid of the thoughts and worries in my mind. Sometimes physically shaking helps, most times not though. It does help a little. I see the dresses and I pick out my least favorite of them and go to put it on. "Thanks, I don't know what I'd do without you" I tell her. I honestly don't, she's been there for me for everything. We've known each other so long that we hit milestones together. She's been my shoulder to cry on and a safe haven for me. We even had a cleansing 'ritual' to remove someone who had hurt her and someone who had ruined a friendship with us. It made us feel better. It made her feel better. That's what mattered to me. As long as I have her, I'll be just fine. She knows me inside and out and I, her. We're a package deal. 

"I know, Hun. Me too. Now hurry up and let me see your first dress." she says sincerely.

Well, here goes nothing. I think to myself. I put the first dress on. It's a light purple sweetheart neckline strapless dress. It has a corset top with silver embellishments. There's fabric moving everywhere. I wasn't too sure I was going to like it when I pulled it and now that I have it on... It's an absolute no. It feels weird. The bottom is pretty but I dislike the top. The strapless part also really bothers me. I don't want to have to keep pulling it up to keep me covered. It is a lightweight dress though and the bottom kinda flows as I walk.  "Alright, I'm heading out. you ready?" I ask her.

"Yes, babe, I'm out here" she answers. I walk out to her.

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