Chapter 4

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*End of Flashback*

*Years Later*

Now I was staring at my computer screen and talking to Alyssa. The boys look so grown up and...well, famous. One Direction is a great band, their music is awesome, they all have great looks, and they have been friends forever. They work so well together. I just wish they would come home and visit. I mean even though they are famous, I still consider them my best friends, besides Alyssa of course.

Greta walks in the room, talking to Trinity. She looks at me. "Don't tell me you're obsessing over the boys again." she groaned.

"I don't obsess over anything except chocolate, thank you very much." I retorted.

"Sure you don't......" she trailed off as the doorbell rang.

She just stood there. "That's ok I can get it, seeing that I'm the furthest one away. Because that makes sooo much sense." I sassily said getting up to answer the door.

I open the door. It was a package from the UPS guy. I signed the clipboard and handed it back to him. He smiled and walked back to his truck. I grab the package and go back inside. I looked at the recipient name. Madison Smith it read. "It's just my book I ordered" I said as I walked back into the room.

"Oh. You stink, you got me all excited and stuff" Greta said.

"See! You miss the boys too! I knew it! Why don't you want to admit it?" I questioned.

"Because then if I admit it, it proves that I actually like them. And I mean, I don't want to follow everybody cause that counters me!" she answered.

"True... very true..." I trailed off as someone knocked at the door, "Well, go get it" I said as I continue to open my book.

Greta's POV:

"Fine," I mumble as I leave the room. I open the door. The mailman? That's weird. "Hello,"

"Umm...Madison Smith?" He asked.

"No, just one second." I answered.

"Maddie, the mailman wants you." I say.

"What? Why?" she asks.

"I don't know. He asked for you. Now go" I say shooing her out.

Madison's POV:

I walked to the door. "I'm Madison Smith."

"Ahh...yes. I was requested to personally give you this." He said.

"Um.... okay.... thank you." I said as he handed me all the mail. I looked through it and on top was a little postcard. I closed the door as he walked away. I threw all the other mail on the table and rushed into the sunroom with Greta. "Ahh! A chocolate postcard!!" I squealed jumping in my chair.

"A chocolate postcard? Do you remember what they said before they left?" she said.

"Yes! Right before the boys left, they said and I quote, 'If we ever send you guys anything, it will be something you know that will be from us. Something special to you guys.' This has to be from one of the boys!!" I squeal.

"Speaker phones everybody!" Alyssa yells in my ear. Greta and I put both phones on speaker.

"Chocolate!" Trinity says.

"Read it!" Alyssa says.

"Okay. Okay. Just chill out already." I answer. After they all had calmed down a bit I began reading it.

Dear Girls,

I know it's been awhile since we've talked, but I was letting you know we are going on break soon and coming home for a week. The others don't know I'm sending this, they want you guys to be surprised. Well, I'm ruining that. I have an awesome idea, but I'm running out of space I will tell you at Mad's on Monday at noon. Be there.

Love y'all, Bye


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